Description of the attraction
In 1903, the new governor P. A. Stolypin arrived in Saratov and purchased the unfinished house of the flour miller Reinecke for the provincial residence. The project of completion at the corner of Volskaya and Malaya Sergievskaya (now Michurin) streets Pyotr Arkadyevich entrusted to the famous Saratov architect - A. Klimenko.
By the middle of 1904, the Stolypin family moved into the building of the provincial residence. On the first floor there were residential apartments, and on the second there was a reception room, several offices and a stylishly decorated mirrored hall for holding receptions. Simultaneously with the end of the construction of the residence, architects D. F. Sterligov and A. N. Klimenko began the project of a neighboring building - the provincial chancellery.
Two buildings in the neoclassical style form a single architectural ensemble. Five Saratov governors worked and lived in the provincial residence: P. A. Stolypin, S. S. Tatishchev, P. A. Stremoukhov, A. A. Shirinsky-Shikhmatov and S. D. Tverskoy.
Soon after the October Revolution, the building was occupied by the executive committee headed by V. P. Antonov-Saratovsky, and the rapidly growing bureaucracy, no longer able to fit into the governor's apartments, soon moved to another building.
In the 1930s, the office building was occupied by a polyclinic for party workers, and the governor's residence was occupied by a tuberculosis institute.
Now in the complex of buildings with signs "Monument of architecture" there is an ordinary polyclinic (in the office) and, besieged by organizations for the protection of architectural heritage, the regional TB dispensary (in the residence of the governors).