Manor Merevo description and photo - Russia - Leningrad region: Luga district

Manor Merevo description and photo - Russia - Leningrad region: Luga district
Manor Merevo description and photo - Russia - Leningrad region: Luga district
Manor Merevo
Manor Merevo

Description of the attraction

A whole scattering of small estates was located in the east of the Luga district, between the Oredezh and Luga rivers. They were located along the shores of numerous lakes and the Oredezh River. From Luga the road stretched to Lake Merevskoe, on the southern shore of which the village of Merevo was located. Rural lands occupied more than a thousand dessiatines and were divided among seven landowners. However, there was only one manor house. It consisted of a manor's wooden house and a garden with fruit trees. Perhaps it belonged to the wife of the lieutenant Ustinya Ivanovna Lyalina, because it was in Merevo in 1772 that her son Dmitry Vasilyevich was born, who inherited part of the village.

In the first third of the 19th century, the village was owned by three landowners: D. M. Lyalin, lieutenant I. N. Trubashov and S. I. Ryndin. In the center of the village there were the Trubashovs and Ryndins' estates. They were arranged in exactly the same way and were separated only by an alley. The third part of the village belonged to Dmitry Vasilyevich Lyalin. From the age of 16, he entered military service, took part in the Russian-Swedish wars (1788-1790, 1808-1809), in the Patriotic War of 1812, during which he commanded the Teglin infantry regiment in the Wittgenstein corps, was 3 times wounded, but remained in the ranks, and in 1813 he was awarded the rank of major general. After the end of the campaign, he lived in Velikiye Luki, Pskov province and transferred his part of the village to Trubashov (made him his heir).

Shortly before his death, in 1847, Lieutenant General Lyalin presented a plan for a new stone chapel in the village of Merevo, approved after his death in 1848. The chapel was built by his heir P. N. Trubashov.

In 1880, both Merevian parts with estates were acquired by merchants Ivan Yakovlevich and Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Zabelsky. They united the estates of the Ryndins and Trubashovs, erected a new manor house. Currently, this old manor house is built on all sides, squeezed by modern buildings, and therefore it is not easy to find it right away, although the layout is visible.

Larch and pine trees were planted on the Zabelskie hill, among which they built summer cottages, the edge of the bank ledge was leveled and a walking path was created around the hill, a steep slope to the lake was decorated with ledges along which it was possible to get to the lake. The coastal strip was also fortified, a large clearing was cleared, on which a group of oaks was planted. Today it is the most picturesque place in the village, which enjoys the attention of all holidaymakers. In addition, in the hillside there is a spring of the purest water, which is used by the local population and summer residents.

In Soviet times, a village school was built on the foundations of a manor house. For some time after the closure of the school, the building was in a dilapidated state, and the park was in disrepair.

The Merevo Manor is an estate of a middle-class landowner in the 18th century. Therefore, there is no pretentiousness and pomp in it, it is just a solid manor house, an old park and a beautiful lake.

Now in the former manor house there is a recreation center called "Mishkina Dacha". On the territory of the estate there are guest cottages designed for a different number of residents. The modern owners of the estate honor the merits of Dmitry Vasilyevich Lyalin and maintain the posthumous memorial located on the Trinity churchyard in proper condition, advocate for the reconstruction of the historical interiors and life of Russia in the pre-revolutionary period, as well as the formation of a museum in honor of D. M. Lyalina. So far - this is only in the plans, but already now on the territory of the estate every year the festival "Not for nothing remembers the whole of Russia", which is dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812, and Russian folk holidays are held, organized according to old Russian rituals.


| All reviews 5 Dmitry Khomenko 2014-24-06 18:02:28

For Tamara Kunze Tamara, good afternoon!

I would like to contact you on our common pedigree.

I. I. Musnitsky is my great-great-great-great-grandfather.

5 Mikhail 2014-07-06 13:38:46

For Tamara Kunze Good afternoon. I am the owner of the estate previously owned by D. V. Lyalin. At the moment, work is underway to improve the Trinity Church at the Verkhutinskoye cemetery, where there is a posthumous memorial to Lyalin. It is likely that the burials of the Ryndins can also be found in this cemetery. If this question is for you …

5 Tamara Kunze 2013-30-01 1:00:34 AM

Ryndiny I would like to know if the burials of the family of the Ryndins S. I.., Pyotr Semyonovich Ryndin, the provincial secretary of my great-grandfather, were left, it seems my great-grandmother Vera Petrovna Ryndina was born there, deputy. Musnitskaya. Her grave was restored by me at the Novodevichy cemetery in St. Petersburg. I live in Germany, I will be glad to contact …

