Description of the attraction
In the city of Nikolsk there is a two-story building known as the A. Ya. Yashin. The house, which now houses the museum, was built over 175 years ago by a wealthy merchant G. M. Leshukov. Over the years, this building has housed the Children's Home, the Police Board, the Treasury, Government offices and more.
The opening of the Yashin Museum took place in 1989 on the basis of two independent museums - memorial and local history. All the diversity of the two museums is reflected in the unique exposition of the exhibition halls. You can learn about the historical development of the district town from the photographs of the famous photographer from Vologda I. I. Yakubov, which date back to 1905-1909. A small part of the museum is dedicated to the development of Orthodoxy in the area. At the moment, there is only one functioning church in Nikolsk in honor of the Kazan Mother of God. Models of all the lost churches made by the hands of a local master Nikolai Gomzikov became an important decoration of the exposition.
Opposite the Historical and Memorial Museum is the log house of the Spirin dynasty. Spirin Vladimir Vasilyevich - the founder of northern gardening, who began to collect berries and apple seedlings. By the 90s of the 19th century, he had fruit and berry plants from the Far East, the Urals, the Volga region. In addition, Spirin carried out research work in the horticultural field approved by Michurin.
The memorial rooms of Vladimir Vasilyevich - the dining room and his study - have preserved all the items of the original interior: Dutch candles, parquet floor, mahogany furniture. Since 1995, the Center for Folk Traditional Culture has been involved in the revival of the garden. The end of the exposition is designed as a "Musical Corner". In the early years of the 20th century, musical styles were especially popular in the city. Students and teachers of the girls' gymnasium held concerts on social topics.
A large massive door opens behind it the "Numismatics" exposition, which has become a "legacy" from the bank previously located in this house during the Soviet era. Here, in a small room, there was a vault. “Natural” halls are popular among children for a reason, because the museum workers used taxidermy sculptures to colorfully decorate the fairy-tale stories “Kolobok”, “Masha and the Three Bears”.
The Halls of Memory tell about the military development of the region. There is a permanent exhibition called "Nikolsk during the Great Patriotic War". Nikolsk is proud of its heroes: Private V. M. Pavlov, Senior Lieutenant N. A. Pyankov, General M. I. Kazakov.
The main part of the literary exposition in the Historical and Memorial Museum is the memorial room of Alexander Yashin. Here is the familiar atmosphere of the Moscow office of the famous writer, which was transferred in 1969 by Yashin's widow, Zlata Konstantinovna. The cabinet contains original documents, things, photographs that belonged to the author and his family. The separate personal library of Alexander Yashin, which contains books by Soviet writers with original signatures, is of great value. Yashin's expositions are being replenished by the writer's daughter, Natalya Alexandrovna.
The Historical and Memorial Museum consists of a memorial complex of the famous author Alexander Yashin, located on Bobrinsky Ugora, and strictly protected as a natural territory, a state reserve of regional significance, a literary memorial exposition, and a house-museum in the village of Bludnovo. Not only the writer's house, but also his grave on Bobryshny Ugora are valuable objects of cultural heritage of regional importance.
In the memorial complex on Bobryshny Ugora there is the writer's house, where he lived in the summer. The museum presents the authentic atmosphere during the life of the writer. It is known that Bobrishny Ugor is the last earthly resting place of Alexander Yashin. After his death, literary meetings and Poetry Days began to be held here. July 11 at the grave of A. Ya. Yashin held a memorial service.