Beer in America

Beer in America
Beer in America
photo: Beer in America
photo: Beer in America

The beer industry in the United States is very developed, and all beer in America can be roughly divided into two large categories - ordinary, produced in giant factories, and craft or craft beer, which is brewed in small breweries in accordance with the author's technologies. Both categories are very popular, but the latter, of course, deserves special attention.

Craft brewing in the USA

The first microbreweries appeared in the 70s of the last century in Great Britain. In America, such enterprises began to be called craft breweries, from the English. "Craft" - "craft". Each of the mini-factories produces no more than 15,000 American barrels of beer annually and uses their own traditional recipes. The impetus for the emergence of craft beer in the United States was the dominance of the standard drink, which was driven by the large beer corporations in millions of bottles in the 70s of the twentieth century.

Craft brewers have a number of advantages over factories:

  • They can quickly change the assortment, adjusting to the wishes and preferences of their customers.
  • The proximity to the consumer makes it possible to find out these preferences rather quickly.
  • They don't have to spend on advertising. The buyer judges the product by buying it at the nearest supermarket and, having tried it, willingly shares his impressions with a neighbor or work colleague. The word of mouth effect provides the necessary promotion of craft beer in America.

Sorts of craft beer win the hearts of consumers and the fact that these products are considered standard and special, and people tend to want the best and the extraordinary.

Who is Sam Adams?

Perhaps the most popular craft beer on the US East Coast is Samuel Adams. Not a single supermarket that sells alcoholic beverages can do without it. Every tourist who finds himself in one of the states of New England tries to try the foamy masterpiece from a beer company from Boston.

The Boston Beer Compane brewery first launched the Samuel Adams brand in 1984 and named it after a patriot and hero of the American Revolution who was a peaceful brewer.

It was the varieties of this brand that laid the foundation for elite brewing in the United States. Today, Samuel Adams Boston Lager, made according to the old recipe of brewer Jim Koch, is present at every Sunday barbecue on the lawn of any self-respecting New England resident who thinks that only beer can be better than… very cold beer.
