House of Mikhlyaev description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Kazan

House of Mikhlyaev description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Kazan
House of Mikhlyaev description and photo - Russia - Volga region: Kazan
House of Mikhlyaev
House of Mikhlyaev

Description of the attraction

House of the merchant I. A. Mikhlyaeva is the only monument of Peter the Great's time preserved in Kazan. It refers to civil architecture. This is the only stone house in Kazan in 1739. A local monument.

The building is two-story, with a clear division of floors by a strip of belts, consisting of curbs, rollers and towns. On the ground floor there is a high basement room with a vaulted ceiling. It was a floor used for economic purposes. The second floor was occupied by living quarters and rooms for receiving guests. The windows on the second floor are trimmed with platbands with semi-columns on the sides. The platbands end with the so-called "cock's combs". Under the cornice protruding above the building, there is a frieze formed by brick “towns”, on top of which there is a “belt to rib”. Facade of a building with a three-part division, with asymmetrically located blades. There are no platbands in the middle windows of the facade. At this point there was a porch with a rise to the second floor. The house has retained its original appearance as a residential building built in the late 17th century. His style is typical of the Moscow baroque style.

Ivan Mikhlyaev (1667 - 1728) was a famous merchant and industrialist. He owned a cloth factory, a distillery and a tannery in Kazan, and was also a co-owner of a linen factory in Moscow. According to legend, it was in his house in June 1722 that Peter I stayed. The Tsar examined both cloth factories, private and state-owned. He was satisfied with the manufactory and handed over to Mikhlyaev the state-owned factory along with buildings, materials and people. In memory of the stay of Peter I in Kazan and in gratitude to the Tsar, AI Mikhlyaev built the Peter and Paul Cathedral near his house.

After Mikhlyaev's death, the house was owned first by his widow, then by her brother, F. Dryablov. Later, the house belonged to Dryablov's son, Ivan. In 1774, Ivan Dryablov handed the building over to the city government, hoping in this way to preserve the building for posterity. An almshouse was arranged in the house, then the premises of the house were leased. In 1816, the house was transferred to the Kazan city society. There was a tavern, then a tavern, a tea house and a hotel. In the very recent past, the building was used as a utility room for a garment factory located nearby. Now the building is transferred to the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The house is a historical monument of regional significance. There is a memorial plaque on the house: “House of Mikhlyaev. Monument of civil architecture of the late 17th century. In 1722 Peter I stayed here. The monument is protected by the state."

