The Costa Brava is a Spanish territory and is located in the southeastern part of the autonomous community of Catalonia.
The coast is replete with impregnable cliffs, high cliffs on which pines, pines and firs grow. It is not in vain that the name of this area in one of the translation variants means "rocky coast". However, between the rocks there are wonderful beaches, cozy bays, picturesque bays. That is why the coast is so attractive to tourists. Many travelers from different countries of the world come here every year.
But on the coast you can not only swim and sunbathe: there are a large number of historical sights. These are, in particular, megalithic structures and the ruins of ancient castles. In addition, the coast is a center of attraction for all fans of Salvador Dali's art. Here are the museums of the great surrealist. Also here you can see the castle, which the artist presented to his beloved, who inspired him to create many brilliant paintings.
If you are a fan of a famous painter, interested in the history of Spain, or just love a beach holiday and picturesque landscapes, you should definitely visit here.
Areas of the Costa Brava
The coastal area is formally subdivided into three areas:
- Alt Emporda;
- Bash Emporda;
- Selva.
But sometimes, when talking about coastal areas, two more names are given:
- Playa de l'Estany;
- Girona
In this text, we will tell you about the features of each of the five named areas.
Alt Emporda
The area of the district is about one and a half thousand square kilometers. The population is about one hundred and twenty thousand people. The district is divided into sixty-eight municipalities.
It is here that the sights associated with the life and work of Dali, the famous surrealist painter, are located. Here, on the territory of the theater-museum, lies the ashes of the painter. The museum itself is one of the main local attractions. It was opened in the 70s of the XX century. Even the exterior of the building is surreal. The project of this building was developed by the artist himself. The exposition of the museum includes about one and a half thousand exhibits. Here you will see the "crazy" experiments of the famous genius, which will surely evoke an emotional response in you. If you love everything bright, unusual, appreciate the freedom of creativity and flight of imagination, be sure to visit this museum.
Not far from it there is an old fortress - another source of pride for the local population. It was built in honor of one of the Spanish kings. There is also a 10th century temple near the museum. It is consecrated in honor of Saint Pedro. True, only some elements of the original building have survived to this day: the temple was rebuilt in the XIV century.
However, back to the topic of Spanish surrealism. On the territory of the district there is another museum dedicated to the work of Dali. Once there were seven fishing houses; they were bought by the painter and turned into a single building by him. Here you can see the studio of the famous artist, visit his library, stroll through his garden … According to reviews of numerous tourists who visited this place, the local energy is simply incredible. Many creative people come here for inspiration. If you also need an impulse to get creative, then you should stop in this area of the coast.
However, the area is famous not only for the sights associated with the name of the famous artist. There are a lot of other tourist spots here. This is, for example, the Toy Museum, where you can see about four thousand exhibits. Another interesting attraction is the Cat's House: it consists of three floors, on each of which many cats and cats live. Of course, they are not left to themselves: they are taken care of by an employee who keeps order in this unusual tourist destination.
The sights of the area can be listed for a long time. If you stay here, you will certainly have no time to get bored: there are so many interesting and unusual things here that you may not even have enough time to explore all the local sights.
Bash Emporda
The area of the district is more than seven hundred square kilometers. The population is about one hundred and twenty thousand people. The district consists of thirty-six municipalities.
There are many cliffs and coves in this area. Perhaps for beach lovers, this is the best area on the entire coast. In addition to beaches and bays, there are other natural beauties - a majestic mountain range, picturesque swampy lowlands …
There are also many historical monuments (including megalithic ones), several museums. In addition, the area is famous for its excellent cuisine! There are markets, fairs and bright folk festivals. Still, first of all, tourists are attracted here by the excellent opportunities for a beach holiday. If you are striving to the Spanish coast precisely in order to sunbathe and swim, enjoy wonderful weather, bright sun and warm, gentle waves, then you should stop here.
The area of the district is a little less than a thousand square kilometers. Population - about one hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants. The district includes twenty six municipalities.
The main thing that attracts tourists to the area is prehistoric artifacts. Several million years ago there was a large lake. It has dried up; now, where once was its bottom, a city is built. It is known that even before the lake ceased to exist, people lived in this area. This was during the Paleolithic period. Samples of ancient tools and weapons found by archaeologists are proof of the existence of a settlement here long before the beginning of the new era.
Several millennia after the Paleolithic, the Iberians lived here, and the Romans left their mark here; the structures built by them are today historical monuments. Speaking of them, it is necessary to mention the ancient road and the irrigation canal. There are also historical monuments that appeared at a later time. These are, for example, the Devil's Bridge, built in the 18th century, the 12th century chapel and the 11th century castle.
The area of the district is approximately five hundred seventy-five square kilometers. The population is more than one hundred and sixty thousand people. The district includes twenty seven municipalities.
One of the most interesting sights of the area is the castle, which Dali presented to his beloved Gala. By the way, the surrealist muse was born on the territory of the Russian Empire and left it at about the age of eighteen.
Interestingly, the artist, in his youth, promised to give his lady of the heart a palace, but he kept his promise only when they both grew old. The owner of the castle received young "favorites" here, and the famous artist was allowed to come here only after a special written invitation.
The castle looks discreet at first glance. It is surrounded by a French garden, where you can see art objects made by the artist. The temple is adjacent to the castle. Nearby are the houses of local residents; these buildings are quite picturesque and picturesque.
The castle is not only a landmark associated with Spanish surrealism, but also a historical monument. The first mention of it dates back to the 11th century. In the 15th century, the building, which was destroyed, was reconstructed. By the 20th century, it was badly dilapidated, but was restored for a new owner. The crack that you will see on the facade was intentionally preserved: the restorers did not want the building to look like it was built yesterday; on the contrary, they strove to preserve the traces of time in his appearance.
The castle is not the only attraction in the area, although it ranks among its most visited tourist spots. In Girona, you can see many ancient temples and visit several museums.
Playa de l'Estany
The area of the district is about two hundred and sixty square kilometers. The population is about twenty eight thousand people. The area is divided into eleven municipalities.
This fertile area is home to many villages and farmsteads. If you like the atmosphere of rural peace and unity with nature, you should stay in this area.
One of the most interesting villages here is Esponella. Here are the ruins of an ancient castle. Once this majestic building, located on the top of the hill, was visible from afar and dominated the entire surrounding area. But today the ruins of the castle keep traces of its former greatness. Another local attraction is the bridge over the Fluvia River. Built in the past centuries, it was badly damaged during the hostilities: it was blown up twice to block the path of the enemy army. The historic landmark was later restored. Today you can walk across this bridge and admire the views of the river from it. The length of the bridge is about one and a half hundred meters.
One of the unusual attractions of the area is the beach located near the lake. It would seem that there is something unusual here? But the point is, the lake is … temporary. In other words, there is not always water in it. The reason is that the lake is filled with underground springs that flow only in certain months. This beach can certainly be classified as a natural attraction. If you decide to visit here, pay attention also to the temple located near the lake: the beauty of its bell tower invariably delights travelers.