- What to bring delicious from Sochi?
- Cosmetics and medicines
- In memory of the Olympics
- By the very blue sea
The last Winter Olympics significantly changed the appearance of the Russian resort, surrounding towns and villages. Wonderful sports facilities have appeared, and not only for snow sports, shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas and restaurants. In this article, we will put shopping in the center of attention, we will try to give the most detailed answer to the question of what to bring from Sochi.
Let's see what souvenirs can be found in small shops located in the historical center of the city, which will delight shopping and entertainment establishments. Is there a chance for a foreign tourist to buy gift products with the image of Olympic symbols, or should they be looked for in antique shops?
What to bring tasty from Sochi?

Sochi, like any resort located on the Black Sea, is ready to please its guests with a variety of delicious products. The most popular among tourists with a sweet tooth are the following Sochi gifts:
- marshmallow made from southern fruits, and besides them - from tomatoes and even basil;
- the famous churchkhela (you need to be careful due to the mass production of fake desserts of this kind);
- natural chestnut honey and sweets based on it;
- a variety of nut desserts.
Tourists also love various jams made from exotic fruits and berries, where else, if not in Sochi, you can buy a jar of jam made of figs or Circassian pears. It is only important to pay attention to the composition of the product so that it does not contain the known ingredients with the letter "E", as well as there are no thickeners, colorants and sweeteners. Then such jam will be not only very tasty, but also healthy.
Strong alcoholic beverages are in no less demand in Sochi, mainly tinctures (among the female half of holidaymakers - the famous Kuban wines). Experienced users of such products are advised not to buy alcohol in the markets and from hand; it is best to conduct tastings and purchases in specialized stores, of which there are a sufficient number in the city. The most famous tasting room in Sochi is called "Arcadia", and the best-selling drink based on grape juice is simply called "Wines of the Kuban".
Another area of gastronomic gifts has a long history - this is tea. At one time Krasnodar tea was not very popular among the population of the former Soviet Union, since it was significantly inferior in quality to the Indian drink. Today the situation has changed dramatically, on sale you can find a brand with the name "Krasnodarskiy", which will not only remind you of distant times, but will also delight you with a magnificent rich taste.
For tourists who live not so far from Sochi, or get home by plane, sea fish becomes a suitable gift for their relatives. The choice of such delicacies in Sochi is quite large, and the names are attractive, here you can buy not only trout or flounder, but also anchovy and the famous Black Sea red mullet. If the guest's homeland is far away, then it is better to refuse smoked fish, and instead buy dried and dried fish, which is ready for the most distant flights and transfers. The same applies to cheeses, suluguni is especially good, tender, melting in the mouth. But, again, a long journey is not good for him, smoked cheese is more suitable for such purposes.
The hostesses are delighted with the Sochi spice market, usually amazed by the huge selection and fairly low prices. Wreaths made of bay leaves are good, an interesting product is the Adyghe salt, which every good housewife makes on her own, grinding table salt with herbs and spices. Therefore, salt purchased from different vendors can vary significantly in taste and aroma.
Cosmetics and medicines
Many local cosmetic companies have mastered the production of various products for lovely ladies. It is based on natural herbs collected in ecologically clean mountainous areas. Such lovely gifts will be indispensable for tourists working in women's groups - both useful and in beautiful packaging, and not very expensive.
Households of respectable and old age will undoubtedly appreciate the medicinal herbs brought from the southern resort. Many plants grow in the vicinity of Sochi, the useful properties of which have been studied for a long time, so you should not refuse to buy plant raw materials.
In memory of the Olympics
Despite the fact that the most famous sports competitions in Sochi have already passed, and today you can still find souvenirs related to the Olympic theme. The main characters decorating badges, mugs, key rings and plates are the symbols of the 2014 games: a bear; Hare; leopard.
Many watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Sochi and still remember these funny animals, and therefore they are happy to shop for souvenirs with their image. The more expensive gifts associated with the Olympic theme are albums with coins or stamps; collectors will appreciate them first of all. Mothers and grandmothers will love the towels with the inscription: "Sochi - 2014", they are distinguished by their special softness, tenderness, and a rich color palette. Sports souvenirs are sold on the waterfront, where the most tourists gather, and in Bosco, a specialty store.
By the very blue sea
Sochi is one of the main Black Sea resorts, so it would be difficult to imagine a city without marine-themed goods and corresponding souvenirs. In any shop and huge store, you can see and purchase paintings from shells, crafts from this amazing natural material. Such gifts are for the lazy, since even a novice craftswoman can make beads or a magnet from beautiful shells.
The second most popular natural material used for making souvenirs is wood. Various coasters for hot dishes, caskets, cutting boards are a good gift for housewives who are left at home. Many of these souvenirs are decorated with funny or symbolic inscriptions; for many years they will remind of a trip to beautiful Sochi.