- Popular drinks
- National clothes and jewelry
- What else interesting can you bring from Mexico
What to bring from Mexico besides the traditional fridge magnet? Surely many will answer - tequila and sombrero. And they will not be mistaken. But this is not a complete list of gifts that can be purchased as a gift in this country of the North American continent.
Popular drinks
Tequila is what is primarily associated with Mexico. This alcoholic drink is 100% blue agave juice. Therefore, the name “cactus vodka”, which is widespread among tourists, is not entirely correct. You can always find a drink of five types on sale:
- silver or white (a drink with a maturation period of no more than 2 months, it is used mainly in cocktails);
- golden, hoven (with the addition of caramel, has a sweeter and softer taste);
- reposado (aging from 2 to 9 months, a characteristic feature is a pleasant tart aroma);
- anyjo - "old" tequila, very strong (aged in oak barrels from one to three years);
- extra aniejo is the rarest species with an aging period of more than three years.
Another traditional Mexican alcoholic drink is mezcal. It is also made from agave juice. Only, unlike tequila, any plant variety is suitable for the production of this drink.
Mescal is much stronger than tequila and has a stronger flavor. As a presenter from Mexico, the drink breaks all records for popularity. Firstly, it is customary to pour it into beautiful rectangular bottles. Secondly, a bag of salt is often sold with the drink. And the main feature is the caterpillar inside the bottle. Advertising gimmick from manufacturers: a bright red caterpillar carcass, which discolors in a bottle, testifies to the quality and strength of the drink. However, not everyone dares to drink such a "treat".
National clothes and jewelry
The most recognizable symbol is the sombrero. The wide-brimmed variegated hat should traditionally be made of straw. Although more and more often you can find gift items made of fabric or wool. A life-size hat is likely to be difficult to transport. Therefore, you can buy miniature copies.
The second most famous wardrobe item of a true Mexican is a poncho. The most expensive models are always made of natural wool, woven and dyed by hand. Such a cape can not only be worn, but also decorate the interior with it.
Another invention of the Mexicans is the guarachi - sandals with leather soles. Unlike the sombrero, the locals still wear them. You can find a huge number of types of these shoes in local markets. Moreover, there are original models for both women and men. In addition, there you can buy bags and belts made of leather and decorated with national ornaments or beaded embroidery.
A distinctive and recognizable feature of the jewelry brought from the country is its bright colors. They are made mainly of beads or threads. Braided earrings, beads and bracelets are an inexpensive and, at the same time, memorable souvenir. By the way, you can buy a traditional dress - terno as a gift for a woman. It consists of three parts: a long colored skirt - fustan; white blouse - uipil; a cape on the shoulders, decorated with an ornament - khubon.
Tourists often buy rebozo and sarape. These are several more types of shoulder capes. The second, denser and warmer. They are often used as a blanket or for interior decoration.
What else interesting can you bring from Mexico
Mexico is a country with a very distinctive atmosphere. Therefore, souvenirs from here will definitely become bright and memorable. In ancient times, the territory of the modern state was inhabited by the Aztecs - Indian tribes with a rich history and mythology. It is not surprising that souvenir shops and markets are filled with paraphernalia related to the culture of this people.
An Aztec knife can be purchased as a gift for a man. Usually the blade is made of obsidian (volcanic glass), the handle is made of bone, and the cover is made of leather. A skillfully made knife can be likened to a work of art.
The Aztec stone, or the sun stone, is a mysterious object left in memory of ancient civilizations. Historians and archaeologists are still trying to figure out its purpose. Of course, the original is kept in the museum. And tourists are offered to purchase only a copy. Interesting and original gifts can be: all kinds of bead products; pumpkin jugs, which, according to the Mexicans, have magical powers; ceramic skulls (symbols of the Day of the Dead); carvings and dolls; panamas; ceramics; silver jewelry; hammock.
The only thing worth warning about right away is that in Mexico there are quite a few restrictions on the import or export of various products. Therefore, before the trip, you should carefully study the customs regulations.