- Porcelain miracle
- What to bring from Hong Kong traditional?
- Exotic tastes
- Works of art
Hong Kong is great and beautiful, preserving the traditions of ancient arts and surprising with technical innovations. In response to a question from an indigenous person what to bring from Hong Kong, the guest will hear thousands of options, including the usual postcards, magnets, mugs and hot coasters. On the other hand, Hong Kong souvenir shops offer a lot of things with an oriental flavor, made with great art.
Porcelain miracle
Since Hong Kong is a special region of China, its people still treat porcelain and its derivatives with reverence. Along with precious materials - gold and jade - porcelain is a national treasure and one of the main souvenirs.
Tea sets or table sets are striking in their subtlety and grace, they are richly ornamented with oriental patterns and are quite worthy to be presented in some museum exhibition. It is interesting that foreign tourists are ready to buy porcelain works of modern designers and antiques - vases, figurines, tea pairs.
What to bring from Hong Kong traditional?
Experienced travelers are advised to pay attention to jade, this amazing stone is considered sacred by the people of Hong Kong (like all Chinese). According to ancient beliefs, it brings the owner good luck, longevity and health, jade and crafts made from it can be seen in every home, and they most often leave the country in guests' suitcases. On sale most often you can find the following jade masterpieces: women's jewelry; souvenirs.
The first option is a huge selection of necklaces and rings, bracelets, beads and pendants, hairpins and hair combs. Souvenirs are presented with cute figurines of Buddha in different positions (sitting or lying), amulets and charms, items for interior decoration. The largest selection of such precious gifts and souvenirs is offered by the Jade Market.
Exotic tastes
Hong Kong is a meeting place of eras and civilizations, culinary exoticism, according to tourists, is off the charts. On the one hand, it is easy to purchase an original edible gift, since the choice is huge. On the other hand, the question arises whether the recipient will be able to fully appreciate the taste of the gift. For example, a list of the most popular alcoholic beverages includes: Chinese wine; maotai - the famous rice vodka; exotic snake vodka. It is called a snake because some exotic reptile is placed inside the bottle, then it is filled with strong alcohol and infused. Instead of a snake, you can see other representatives of the world of amphibians and insects, and the most chic is a snake and a scorpion, as they say "in one bottle."
From more familiar gastronomic souvenirs, tourists buy sets of aromatic herbs and spices, sets for making sushi. They include bags with special varieties of rice, dried seaweed, dishes, sticks - everything except fish, which is present in such dishes raw.
Another popular food in Hong Kong is soy, a vegetable protein that has successfully replaced meat. It can be stored for a long time without losing its properties, tolerates transportation well, and is used for preparing various dishes. There are also sweets in the country that differ in unusual tastes, the most exotic are sweets with dried meat. Everyone, without exception, will like this souvenir, not so much by the taste as by the originality of the idea.
Works of art
Connoisseurs of Chinese painting always travel with excitement around Hong Kong, because there are many modern masters here who amaze with their artwork. Pictures can be a wonderful gift for family or friends, decorate any interior. Most often, amazing Chinese landscapes, images of animals and birds, scenes from the life of the ancient inhabitants of these lands appear on the canvases.
In addition to such works of art, paintings with wishes or poetic works, of course, in Chinese calligraphy are popular among European tourists. She looks fantastic on her own. The Feng Shui philosophy that dominates Hong Kong also dictates its terms. In any souvenir shop you can see symbols, charms, amulets, original keychains. Most often, tourists buy them just for souvenirs, since it is difficult for an unknowing person to understand all the intricacies of this ancient Chinese science.
In general, Hong Kong can please with more than one hundred original gifts and souvenirs dating back to previous centuries or made by modern craftsmen. Experienced travelers are advised to take another small souvenir with you - a T-shirt with the inscription “I am lost in Hong Kong”, which will always bring a smile and the most pleasant memories of an exotic trip.