Volcano bromo

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Volcano bromo
Volcano bromo

Video: Volcano bromo

Video: Volcano bromo
Video: Mount Bromo (Java, Indonesia) | Inside an active volcano - SPECTACULAR scenery! 2024, July
photo: Bromo volcano
photo: Bromo volcano

The active volcano Bromo is part of the Tenger volcanic complex and is located on the Indonesian island of Java (eastern part of the island). Bromo (its height is 2392 m; the diameter of the crater is 600 m) occupies the territory of the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park.

Volcano Bromo has been constantly active for the past 20 years - smoke regularly rises from its crater (the last time the volcano “activated” was in February 2016).

Bromo for tourists

A visit to Bromo usually takes place in several stages - first, tourists get to the observation deck with benches (surrounded by railings) on Mount Penanjakan (as a rule, the trip takes place even after dark so that travelers, having reached the place, can admire the beautiful sunrise), and then head to the crater volcano.

Near the observation deck (there is a sign here, which reflects information about volcanoes and their heights), tourists are often offered to buy souvenirs, coffee, tea and snacks, as well as to rent warm clothes.

Most of the way, although it is overcome by tourists in jeeps (rental from Cemoro Lawang - 400,000 Indonesian rupiah / 6 people), but before reaching the foot, the cars will have to be left in the parking lot. Further (about 2 km) to a staircase of 250 steps, those who wish can ride a rented horse (cost - 40,000 Indonesian rupiah). And at the top of the stairs, travelers will meet flower vendors - according to local customs, it is customary to throw them into the mouth of the volcano in order to “appease” it.

In addition to Bromo, on the territory of the park (here, though away from the volcanoes, you can meet wild pigs, marble cats, Javanese deer, as well as see hawks and other birds soaring in the sky) there are two more volcanoes - Batok (it is an extinct volcano - it is partially covered with vegetation; climbing a 2,440-meter mountain along a convenient path will take about 45 minutes) and Semeru (all three are located in the crater of a giant ancient volcano). Semeru (height - 3676 m) is the most active Indonesian volcano: it is characterized by constant eruptions - about every half hour or hour "spits" a cloud of steam and smoke, and often with small stones and ash. Due to its “absurd” nature, Semeru is often closed to the public. It is worth noting that this mountain, if desired, can be climbed (available for healthy people in good physical shape, while they do not need special equipment), having previously obtained permission from the park administration.

When visiting the park, it is advisable to do a couple more interesting things:

  • see the Sea of Sands (this area, covered with fine volcanic sand, is somewhat reminiscent of lunar landscapes) and Ranu Regulo and Ranupani lakes (the lakes are located near the village of Ranupani);
  • see the Pura Luhur Poten Bromo temple, erected at Mount Bromo (it annually becomes a gathering place for a large number of people during the celebration of the Yadnya Kasada festival);
  • attend the festival of the full moon for 12 months according to the tengger calendar (at the spectacular ceremony you can see how men, who are selected in advance for this purpose, descend into the mouth of Bromo);
  • admire the seven-cascade waterfall Madakaripura, located in the foothills of the park (local legends say that its waters are comparable to the elixir of life, so you should swim in them to prolong your life). The waters of its main cascade fall from a 200-meter height. You should know that the path to it goes along a path under the water streams of other cascades, so those who do not want to get wet to the skin cannot do without a rain cover (it is recommended to use the services of local guides, which will cost $ 10 on average).

The park is open all year round, but it is worth considering that the wettest season is November-March, when most of the local attractions are difficult or even impossible to reach due to floods (plus landslides are not uncommon at this time). In addition, you should not plan a visit to the park (it works from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.; its visit on weekdays will cost 217,600, and on weekends - 317,500 Indonesian rupees) on weekends or during public holidays, since on such days a lot of people flock here. the number of local residents and school students (they stay here with tents).

How to get to the park and volcano Bromo

The nearest major airport is in Surabaya (accepts flights from Bali and Jakarta) - the way to the park, if you go by car, will take about 4 hours.

The further journey from Surabaya can be continued by train, which will take you to Probolingo, 10 km from which you will find a bus terminal, from where buses run to Cemoro Lawang - the nearest settlement to Bromo (you will spend 1.5 hours on the road). There you can stay in one of the hotels.
