Dallol volcano

Dallol volcano
Dallol volcano
photo: Dallol Volcano
photo: Dallol Volcano
  • General information
  • Dallol for tourists
  • How to get to Dallol volcano

Dallol volcano is a volcanic crater: it is located in Ethiopia, in the Danakil depression, and is still considered active, despite the fact that the last eruption is dated 1926 (this version is explained by the fact that this place has high average annual temperatures - about + 34˚C).

General information

Dallol (crater diameter - 1450 m) is the lowest volcano in the world. It was formed more than 900 million years ago and is not like other volcanoes (they are united by the presence of active craters): all of its “brothers” rise above the surrounding area, and Dallol is located 48 meters below sea level. It is worth noting that due to a strong explosion that occurred in 1926, a lake appeared here, the waters of which are colored yellow-purple.

Thanks to hot springs and geysers in the Dallol volcano area, salt pillars (they can reach a height of several meters) and other natural formations appear.

The mystery of Dallol lies in the fact that its eastern border has no activity, faults and gases - this zone is torn by canyons. On the edge of the crater is the village of Dallol - this is one of the most remote places on the planet: communication with it is carried out through caravan routes, which are organized for the purpose of collecting and delivering salt (there are no roads in the region).

Dallol is mentioned in the “Book of Enoch”: there the volcano is considered as the gates of hell, which, when opened, will absorb all living things around. This probably meant a volcanic eruption that would lead to the end of the world.

Dallol for tourists

Dallol was famed for his unearthly landscapes - they resemble the surface of Io, the moon of Jupiter (lava from andesite and sulfur). Tourists who come here will have the opportunity to admire surreal landscapes. They will be able to see bright green puddles (they “owe” their color to acid), as well as witness how salt from volcanic depths dissolves in hot springs and solidifies in the form of bizarre shapes of various colors (due to potassium salts washed out on the surface, iron and manganese, the adjacent surface is painted in scarlet, greenish and sandy tones).

It is worth noting that it is impossible to be near Dallol for a long time - the air saturated with acid vapors stings the lips, nose and eyes (in the shade it is usually about + 50˚C). Advice: since the territory visited by travelers is dotted with thermal springs, it is advisable to travel in clothes that can protect the skin from the toxic effects of liquids (fumaroles release gases and concentrated acid) and shoes with hard soles. And since such a tour takes place in conditions close to Spartan conditions, it will not be superfluous to take with you a change of underwear and warm clothes.

How to get to Dallol volcano

Those wishing to admire the space landscapes are advised to go on a trip, the organization of which will be taken over by a local travel company. The tour program purchased from them will include:

  • Visit to Dallol and Erta Ale volcanoes. The height of Erta Ale volcano is 613 m (it has 2 lava lakes). An excursion to it is usually planned by 18:00, when the heat subsides and everyone will be able to witness the “performance” played out by nature itself (you can see the seething lava, which tends to splash, freeze, crack and sink, and sometimes release fiery fountains at the same time).
  • Acquaintance with the Afar nomadic people and their life, as well as the salt industry (the people extract salt, cut it into layers and deliver it for sale in Mekel, having previously loaded the camels).
  • A camel ride in the Danakil Desert (curious tourists are not stopped by the high temperature, poisonous fumes, low humidity and other factors dangerous to humans).
  • Visiting the Afrera salt lakes (those who wish can swim in some thermal springs that come to the surface near the lake shore and have an optimal temperature and non-aggressive water composition) and Karum (it is recommended to come to the lake at sunset, when it, together with salt crusts, takes on a pinkish tint - a trip lovers of photo tours will appreciate it here).

The tour price usually includes the services of a guide and accompanying persons, who not only ensure the safety of tourists - their duties include taking care of food and sufficient water, as well as setting up a camp in places suitable for this purpose from the point of view of natural conditions.

On average, the trip will last 9-12 days (the starting point is the capital of Ethiopia - Addis Ababa; approximate cost - 4200 $ / 1 person - the price varies depending on the program and the composition of participants), during which travelers will sometimes spend the night in guest houses or small private hotels.
