Among all Indian states, Goa is considered the smallest in area and the least populated by people. He also has another record - he is one of the most popular resorts in the country, he is known far beyond its borders. The history of Goa begins in 1510 - so Europeans believe, since it was then that the representative of the white race landed in these territories.
Conquest of lands
The history of Goa has preserved the name of the first European who set foot on this blessed land, directly, as they say, "from the ship to the ball". This is Afonso d'Albuquerque, it is he who is called the conqueror of Goa and the first governor of these territories.
The second chair of the governor was taken by the famous navigator, who made many other geographical discoveries - Vasco da Gama. It so happened that his earthly journey ended precisely in Goa.
Golden age
If we talk about the history of Goa in a nutshell, then with the arrival of the European conquerors, the so-called "golden age" begins for Goa. Firstly, there were huge territories in the management of governors, and secondly, the development of the economy and trade proceeded at a rapid pace. The overseas lands for the Portuguese colonialists were a kind of springboard from where the further conquest of India was to begin.
Other European states also showed interest in the Indian territories, because the "golden age" of Goa, as a Portuguese protectorate, ended very soon. Portugal's trade monopoly was undermined by its map neighbors.
Old Goa was losing its significance before our very eyes: the governor moved the capital to Panaji, and beautiful architectural monuments began to collapse. Part of the architecture has been preserved; now it is under the close scrutiny of specialists from UNESCO.
Goa in the 19th-20th centuries
The Napoleonic wars only echoed in Goa, the plans of the great French emperor did not extend so far. In the 19th century, Goa was still under the protectorate of the British Empire.
Historians call the following events in Goa in the twentieth century the main ones:
- the occupation of territories by the Indian army - 1961;
- recognition of the sovereignty of Goa - only after 1974;
- withdrawal of Goa from the Union territory - 1987.
In the 1960s, fans of the hippie philosophical movement discovered Goa, many of them chose these lands as their permanent place of residence. Today Goa is considered one of the most popular resorts in India, where tourists flock every year.