Description of the attraction
Goa Lawah, which means "Bat Cave", is located in the smallest area of Bali called Klungkung, which is located in the eastern part of Bali, an hour and a half from the city of Denpasar. A more precise location of the cave is the Davan district, Pasinggahan village.
Goa Lawah is a rather complex natural cave that goes deep into the mountain and stretches for about 19 km. UNESCO, as well as many other international organizations, have repeatedly appealed to the Indonesian government for permission to conduct research on the cave. However, the expedition that went to explore the cave, unfortunately, never returned, so the government decided not to make any more attempts to explore the cave, and is strictly monitoring this.
If you look at the cave from afar, it may seem that the cave is alive because of the walls, which seem to be moving. And only getting closer, you realize that the walls are not moving, and this impression was created by thousands of bats, which stuck around the entrance to the cave.
No one is allowed inside the cave, although there are brave men who dare to look there. At the slightest rustle, the bats begin to rush around the cave and emit a characteristic squeak. During the day, mice sleep in the cave, and when the sun goes down, countless bats, with sounds inherent only to them, fly out of the cave in search of prey. The sight is peculiar, in some places quite creepy, the guides warn visitors about this.
There is an assumption that in addition to bats, rats and snakes live in the cave. There is a legend among the local population that a terrible monster lives in the depths of this cave.