The beautiful Chisinau, the capital of Moldova, unfortunately, did not become a tourist mecca for the guests of the country. Although the city has preserved many old buildings, narrow streets reminiscent of the past. And the main city of one of the former Soviet republics retains its unique aura - it is both multifaceted and multinational.
National souvenirs
Their description will require more than one page of text. The most famous Chisinau bazaar is located near the National Theater. It is here that talented artisans come from all over Moldova to sell their handmade masterpieces. Here we offer: weaving and embroidery; home textiles; wood crafts; pottery and ceramics. In this bazaar you can find paintings, icons, and antiques. Prudent traders significantly inflate prices, many tourists who know about this immediately begin to bargain, and, as a rule, significantly reduce the price.
The generosity of Moldovan cuisine
Legends can be made about her. Catering establishments in the capital are located on every corner and compete with each other. Most often, traditional Moldovan cuisine is offered - the most fragrant sausages, stews and pies. The main thing that Moldova is famous for is, of course, wine and cognac, and the traditions of viticulture and winemaking have been preserved for more than one decade.
A foreign tourist, without resorting to card services, can easily find restaurants with international food in the main city of Moldova. The network of Italian pizzerias is especially developed, there are restaurants of French cuisine and exotic countries.
Sights of Chisinau
There are not so many architectural masterpieces left on tourist photos, but guests of the capital will have vivid impressions from visiting local museums and walking in the park. First of all, guests are in a hurry to visit the Museum of National Archeology and History. The artifacts kept here tell about the life of Old Orhei and the Second World War.
Another place in Chisinau that does not suffer from a lack of visitors is the Pushkin Museum. Everyone knows that it was to Chisinau that the Russian genius was exiled. He spent three years on this land, wrote several works that conquered the world, including the first part of the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin".