Rivers of Belarus

Rivers of Belarus
Rivers of Belarus

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photo: Rivers of Belarus
photo: Rivers of Belarus

The country map is rather heavily speckled with thin blue lines. The rivers of Belarus are represented by both real giants, like the Dnieper, and cozy "home" rivers.


The Dnieper is one of the main waterways throughout Europe. The river passes through the territory of three countries: Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The river got its name from the Sarmatians, who called it Danu Apara ("the river on the other side"). The Persians called the Dnieper Danapris, which is much closer to the modern name of the river.

More than 70 species of fish live in the waters of the Dnieper. In the lower reaches, the river is much richer - almost 65 species live here. The most common carp. There are herring, sturgeon, ram. Typical for the upper Dnieper are: sterlet; chub; ide; lake bream; Pike; catfish; carp; roach; perch. You can also catch crayfish in the Dnieper.


This is one of the main Eastern European rivers. The source is located on the territory of Belarus, then the Neman goes to Lithuania and the Baltic Sea. The Neman occupies the fourteenth place in the list of major rivers in Europe, and it is the third longest river in Belarus. The riverbed of the Nemunas is navigable in most of its part.

The river is named after the god from Baltic mythology - the Nemunas. In total, the river has about 150 powerful tributaries. The Nemunas Delta is a whole water labyrinth and is popular with fans of ecological tourism.


Sozh is a large tributary of the Dnieper, flowing through the territory of Belarus, Russia and the border with Ukraine. The river is known for its clean water and is considered the cleanest in all of Europe. The Sozh has a rather winding channel, enclosed in asymmetrical banks.

In translation, Sozh sounds like "wolf". Where this unusual name came from is unknown to historians, but it is assumed that the "culprits" are numerous forests located on the banks of the Sozh. On the banks of the river there are many famous places: Veprinskaya oak forest; Dobrush spruce forests; Botanical Gardens (resort); Dendrological park.

Western Dvina

The Western Dvina is a river of three states: Russia, Belarus and Latvia. Once it had a communication with the Berezina and the Dnieper through an artificial canal (today it is not used).

The river has quite a few names - Dyna - Dzvina - Dźwina-Duna - Dvina, Viña-Väinä - but they are all united by approximately the same translation - “passage to the sea”. The first mentions of the Western Dvina are in the ancient sagas of the Vikings.
