The island state, known for lovers of paradise and luxury holidays, also has its own national symbols. The coat of arms of Dominica reflects the difficult and long path that the country went through before gaining independence. The color palette of the main logo is bright, rich, pleasing to the eye and imagination.
History and modernity
The former colony gained independence only in the middle of the 19th century. The image of the coat of arms was approved in 1844. Then, over the next fifty years, some changes were made to it. And now the inhabitants of the Dominican Republic are proud that the existing coat of arms of their beloved country looks the same as a century ago, since it has not changed its appearance since 1896.
The main details of the old (modern) main symbol of the Dominican Republic are:
- a shield with religious symbols on it;
- spears, as a symbol of the readiness of the indigenous people to defend the country;
- laurel and palm branches framing the shield on both sides and tied with a ribbon;
- inscriptions located at the top and bottom of the coat of arms.
Each of the elements of the country's state emblem can tell a Dominican a lot, and a European, who knows at least a little history, will be able to uncover the secrets of many of the symbols depicted here without outside help.
Colors and symbols
Elements of the Dominican coat of arms are painted in bright, juicy shades. Blue, red, white, green, yellow (gold) - refer to the national colors, since they are also present in the color of the state emblem, in the traditional outfits of local residents, in the mythological representations and culture of the country.
Red is a symbol of prosperity, a rich, rich life. The blue tone means endless sea spaces and the desire for freedom, the absence of borders and outside pressure. The branches of laurel and palm trees are depicted in green on the coat of arms. The laurel wreath was awarded to the winner not only in Ancient Greece, but the palm tree is one of the most common trees on the island, the natural value and wealth of the country. Gold tones were chosen for the copies and the cross, a symbol of the main religion on the island and the conversion of local residents to Christianity.
On the coat of arms of the Dominican Republic there are inscriptions, below on the red ribbon is the name of the country, on top of the blue ribbon the national motto "God, Motherland, Freedom" is written.
Another important point is the presence of an open Bible and the ability to read the lines from the first chapter of the Gospel of John that the truth makes people free.