The main state symbol of this small European country is very beautiful, rich and deeply rooted. The coat of arms of the Czech Republic was put into effect quite recently, in 1993, and it reflects events that are directly related to the Middle Ages. Royal colors and symbols, their combination allows him to take the top lines of the rating of the most beautiful world emblems.
Sacred animals
On the official symbols of the states and principalities that existed on the territory of modern Czech Republic, there were always certain animals (birds) revered at the level of sacred among different peoples.
So, on the very first Czech coat of arms there was a gorgeous black eagle against the background of flames and a white shield. King Vladislav II in 1158 decisively exchanges a beautiful, proud bird for an equally proud lion. The color palette is preserved, the new symbol contains: white - lion; red - shield; black - outline.
The lion is a strong and courageous animal, a symbol of victories over foreign invaders. At the end of the 12th century, the lion becomes a crowned person, and even later acquires a threatening symbol - a second tail.
For many centuries, the main symbol of the country remained unshakable, as well as the hopes of residents for stability and prosperity. In 1526, the Habsburgs establish their rule in the Czech territories, the white lion gets its place on the Austrian coat of arms. For many Czechs over the centuries, it has been a symbol of freedom and national identity.
The main symbol of modern Czech Republic
The white lion returned to the image of the country's coat of arms in the 1990s, accompanied by an eagle. Now the main symbol of the Czech Republic is a shield, divided into four fields, blue, gold and two red.
In the red margins there is the image of the famous Czech crowned lion with two tails. A black eagle wearing a crown with a formidably protruding tongue is depicted on a gold background. On a blue background, the same image of a bird, only painted in a red and white cage. There is one more difference between birds. The black bird has a silver crescent on its chest, in the middle of which there is a cross, and at the ends there is a clover trefoil. Her paws, beak, tongue are scarlet, and the same details of the red-and-white eagle are made of gold.
In this country, the use of the small state emblem is also allowed, which consists of a scarlet shield and a silver lion depicted on it, with gold details (crown, tongue, claws). The preservation of ancient symbols, their use as official emblems is a sign of loyalty to the time, traditions and country.