Greater Sochi is the main resort of Russia and a favorite vacation spot for its residents on the Black Sea coast. The beach season in Sochi starts at the end of May, and the ski season starts at the beginning of December, allowing Sochi hotels not to be idle for a single day without visitors.
Sochi Monthly Weather Forecast
Beach vacation

The strip of beaches in the resorts of Sochi stretches for more than 140 kilometers. The city is located in a humid subtropical climate zone, and the Black Sea has a special influence on the formation of its weather. It protects the region from the winter cold and brings a fresh breeze on the hottest days of summer.
The beaches of Sochi receive their first visitors at the end of May. The air temperature these days rises to +23 degrees, and the water warms up to +19. For the most thermophilic tourists, swimming in such a sea may seem extreme, but seasoned guests of the city enjoy water procedures.
In July-August, the peak of the summer season begins in Sochi. The air warms up to record values of +32 degrees in the afternoon, and the thermometer in the sea rises to +27 degrees. The number of hours of sunshine during the beach season at the resort breaks records, and the weather allows everyone to get a bronze tan and great mood.
By September, the main vacationers fly home, and the "velvet" season begins in Greater Sochi. Daytime temperatures tend to comfortable values, the sea remains warm, and in the evenings a pleasant autumn coolness descends on the city. The fruit season is coming in Sochi, and tables in hotel restaurants are decorated with melons and watermelons, peaches and apricots, grapes and apples.
Down the slope with the breeze
After the Winter Olympics in Sochi, winter sports were greatly developed at the resort. Now it has become even easier to do your favorite downhill skiing or get up on the slope on a snowboard - modern tracks and excellent infrastructure of ski resorts allow everyone to spend a winter vacation in Sochi.
Already in early December, on the slopes of Krasnaya Polyana, you can see the first skiers trying the Sochi snow. Modern high-tech lifts, comfortable hotels, schools for beginner athletes and ski equipment rental centers give the resort guests the opportunity to relax in full, master a new sport for themselves or set a personal record for downhill skiing.
The ski season in Sochi lasts several months and closes only at the end of April.