The Museum of Central Australia description and photos - Australia: Alice Springs

The Museum of Central Australia description and photos - Australia: Alice Springs
The Museum of Central Australia description and photos - Australia: Alice Springs
Museum of Central Australia
Museum of Central Australia

Description of the attraction

The Museum of Central Australia, located in Alice Springs, tells about the unique nature of the central region of the "green" continent, about its geological history, landscape evolution and amazing creatures that inhabited these places hundreds and thousands of years ago.

Fragments of meteorites, fossils and interactive displays are the main "witnesses" of the geological history of Central Australia from the time of the Big Bang to the present day.

A mock-up of the ancient reservoir of Alkuta, the region's premier research site, showcases some of the amazing fossilized megafauna found here - a giant freshwater crocodile and the largest bird ever to live on earth.

An outstanding display of Central Australian birds, mammals, reptiles and insects will allow visitors to identify some of the animals they may have seen while traveling through the Red Center.

The museum houses the Strehlow Research Center, which houses one of Australia's largest collections of films, sound recordings, archival records and artefacts from the ceremonial life of the local Aborigines. This collection has been collected over several decades of anthropological research by the Lutheran priest Karl Strehlaw and his son.

The museum also houses the Northern Territories Library's traveling exhibit on the February 1942 air raids on Darwin. During World War II, defense forces were deployed along the Stuart Highway, which connects Darwin and Alice Springs, preparing to defend northern Australia. The exposition contains photographs and archival materials of those years.

