Description of the attraction
Slovenian Keys is a monument of amazing natural beauty and its historical development, which will forever be associated with Izborsk and which is one of the most original and romantic sights of this part of the Russian land. As you know, in the surrounding areas of the city of Izborsk there are a considerable number of water sources, each of which has its own name: Ilyinsky, Talavsky, Bogoroditsky, Nikolsky, Slovensky. The most powerful springs have an outlet, for the most part, on the western slope of the famous Izborsko-Malskaya plain, because the flow of all groundwater in this area is directed exclusively to the east.
The strongest outlets of spring water from the coastal terrace of Lake Gorodishchenskoye, which have been called Slovenian Springs since antiquity, are located very close to the walls of the stone fortress. Another name for these keys is the keys of the Twelve Apostles. The earliest mentions of local sources date back to the 17th century. In the original geographical description of the land called "Book to the Big Drawing" in the description of the Russian land it is indicated that thirty versts from the city of Pskov there is the city of Izborsk, which stands on the Slovenian keys. It is known that Slovenian springs have been beating for at least a thousand years and belong to the karst-fissure type. A path leading from the slope of Zhuravya Gora from the small tower of Lukovka leads to the springs, and after a few hundred meters leads along a shady alley to a rather steep descent, and then to a coastal hollow near Lake Gorodishchenskoye; here, at the very edge of the water from the high bank, key streams emanate from the limestone rock. The water in the springs undergoes natural filtration: first it flows through limestone and clay layers, then it is filtered and purified, but still it has a lot of mineral salts and calcium. In these places, the mineralization of water slightly exceeds the established norm. The power of the springs is very strong, because every second about four liters of water are thrown out.
Since ancient times, the famous Slovenian Springs have been revered as miraculous and healing springs, which attracts a large number of pilgrims to these places who come to these places literally from all over our Motherland. We have heard that many interesting and instructive legends are associated with the Slovenian Keys. One of the legends tells that the day has come when the water in amazing springs simply dried up. Then one young man, who not so long ago lost his mother, whom he dearly loved and respected, began to pray at night for help in the form of giving the city of Izborsk healing water. Once a noble young man had a vision in which he was told that if the city dwellers decide to name these springs in honor of the Holy Twelve Apostles, and also serve them the necessary and obligatory prayer service, then water will again appear in these places. The young man told all the townspeople about his vision, after which everything was done as punished, and immediately water appeared in the Slovenian springs.
The constant streams of icy water were noticed by the ancient Slavs, who settled on the Truvor settlement. Generations of people living in these places have carried through the centuries the historical name of the sources, standing in a number of names, like Slovensk and Slovenskoe Pole. In addition, since ancient times, there has been a certain belief that each of the keys carries in itself a special miraculous holy power peculiar only to it. For example, one source can give good health, in another source you can find happiness, and a third holy source will lead you on the path of sincere love. But, despite such different miraculous powers, you need to drink holy water from all key sources and wash your face in each of them in order for life to pass in full prosperity, keeping in itself good health, true happiness and devoted love.
Every year, on Friday during Easter week and on the day of celebration of the famous icon "Life-giving source" Slovenian keys are consecrated by the Bishop of Velikiye Luki and Pskov.