Ruins of the city of Coba (Coba) description and photos - Mexico: Playa del Carmen

Ruins of the city of Coba (Coba) description and photos - Mexico: Playa del Carmen
Ruins of the city of Coba (Coba) description and photos - Mexico: Playa del Carmen
Ruins of the city of Coba
Ruins of the city of Coba

Description of the attraction

One of the most famous Mayan cities - Coba - is located on the Yucatan Peninsula, a few tens of kilometers from Tulum. The main temples of this settlement were built between 250 and 900 AD. e., when the Mayan civilization experienced its heyday. In the city of Koba, even after the arrival of the conquistadors in the New World, people lived. For some reason, they suddenly left their homes, and Koba first turned into a ghost town, and then gradually began to collapse.

The territory of Koba is 120 square kilometers. Only a small part of these ruins has been explored and open to the public. The most popular among tourists is a group of buildings called Nohoch-Mul. It is dominated by the 42-meter pyramid of El Castillo, to the top of which you can climb. To do this, you need to overcome 120 steps, the width of each is only 10 cm. The ascent will be quite difficult, since instead of the railing, the ropes are stretched to the top. But, once at the top, you can take a look at the remaining four groups of buildings in the city of Koba. There is a small stone hut on the pyramid, in which there is an altar. The rest of Koba's monuments have not yet been restored. They are scattered throughout the jungle and connected by narrow paths.

In Kobe there is also an extensive network of roads ("sakbe"), which were built for sacred use. Scientists made such assumptions based on the fact that the Indians did not have carts, therefore, they did not need paved roads to move.

Near the ruins there are lakes that are rare in this area, in which crocodiles live. This means that tourists traveling not with a guide, but on their own, should be extremely careful.

