National Museum of Udora region description and photos - Russia - North-West: Komi Republic

National Museum of Udora region description and photos - Russia - North-West: Komi Republic
National Museum of Udora region description and photos - Russia - North-West: Komi Republic
National Museum of the Udora region
National Museum of the Udora region

Description of the attraction

The National Museum of the Udora District is located in the village of Koslan on Stroiteley Street and is a municipal cultural institution. The regional museum of local lore was opened in August 1985. Its opening was timed to coincide with the four hundredth anniversary of the village of Koslan. Initially, the museum functioned on a voluntary basis. Its first leader was I. M. Kurydkashin, who is the chairman of the district council of veterans.

In 2000, the Koslan museum became a branch of the House of Culture, and in 2005 it acquired the status of an independent legal entity. Since 2007, it has been an inter-settlement municipal cultural institution. The museum in the village of Vazhgort, created in 1965, became a branch of the Udora region museum.

The museum funds consist of about 3000 items. The museum exposition tells about the life of the Udora Komi and their way of life. The most significant in the museum funds are items of the ethnographic collection: spinning wheels with Mezen painting, Udora spinning wheels, lamps, samovars, birch bark and earthenware of local production of the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries, coopers, homespun clothes, old steelyards and scales, blacksmithing tools labor. Of considerable interest are the painted tuesques dating back to 1822, the weaving mill of 1899, painted chests, rare books, and the Udor spinning wheel of 1876.

The collection of the museum also presents a festive Udora peasant costume, casual women and men costumes. The way of life of the Udors is reflected in the recreated interior of a peasant hut, a fishing and hunting corner.

The exposition entitled "We will stay young for centuries" tells about the feats of arms of the inhabitants of the Udora region during the Great Patriotic War and other wars. The exposition also presents relics of the war years: newspapers of that time, letters from the front, documents, things of the participants in the war. Each of the visitors here can find information about their relatives who participated in the 1941-1945 war and other military conflicts.

A special place is given to materials about sailors from the sunken nuclear submarine "Kursk". Personal belongings of Yu. A. Borisov and I. V. Loginov, residents of the Udora region, raised from the depths of the Barents Sea once again remind of the sad pages of the history of our country.

The natural science collection of the regional museum is represented by 15 stuffed birds, a collection of paintings - by the works of the local artist V. M. Khudyakov, as well as by the painting “A. E. Vaneev”by the famous Russian artist E. Kozlov.

In the collection of works of fine art, a special place is occupied by photographs related to various historical periods and postcards from 1960-1980.

