Kalevan kirkko church description and photos - Finland: Tampere

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Kalevan kirkko church description and photos - Finland: Tampere
Kalevan kirkko church description and photos - Finland: Tampere

Video: Kalevan kirkko church description and photos - Finland: Tampere

Video: Kalevan kirkko church description and photos - Finland: Tampere
Video: Kalevan Kirkko / Kaleva Church - Tampere, Finland 4.6.2020 2024, June
Kaleva Church
Kaleva Church

Description of the attraction

The Kaleva Church in Tampere was designed by the famous Finnish architect Reim Pietilä. This modernist building was erected in 1964-1966.

Due to its unusual appearance for the church, the locals received the name of the Kaleva church among the people - “The Grain Silo of souls”. The comparison is easy to understand by looking at this soaring monolithic concrete building. However, the interior of the church cannot fail to impress. It is a surprisingly harmonious combination of light and shadow, space and shape, as well as the texture of the materials used - unbleached linen, ceramic tiles and Finnish pine. The hall of the church is designed for 1120 seats, 115 of which are reserved for the choir.

The Kaleva church is 18 stories high. The building has 18 doors, many arches and windows of various shapes, handcrafted. The altar of the cathedral is also not quite traditional in shape - the cross is not straight, but slightly inclined. There is a clock tower and a cross on the roof of the building.

