Description of the attraction
Via della Maestranza is one of the main and most ancient streets of Ortigia Island, the historical center of Syracuse. On both sides, it is framed by the luxurious baroque palaces of the noble inhabitants of the city. I would especially like to mention some of them. So, at number 10 is Palazzo Interlandi Pizzuti, and a little further - Palazzo Impellizzeri (number 17) with alternating windows and balconies with smooth lines. Further still rises Palazzo Bonanno (no. 33), which today houses the office of the Tourist Association, is a strict medieval building with a lovely courtyard and a terrace on the ground floor. The imposing Palazzo Romeo Bufardeci is listed at number 72 - its facade with Rococo balconies stands out for its splendor and even a certain excess.
If you walk forward along Via della Maestranza, you can come out to a wonderful small square, the decoration of which is the church of San Francesco al Immacolata. The bell tower adjacent to the church was built in the 9th century! The facade of the temple is very clear and as if convex, it is decorated with alternating columns and pilasters. Previously, every year on the night of November 28-29, an ancient ritual was held in the church - La Zvelata, during which the covers were removed from the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This happened in the first hours of dawn so that the participants in the ceremony could be in time for work. Throughout the night, the musicians announced the beginning of the ceremony to the believers.
Towards the end of Via della Maestranza, the curving façade of Palazzo Rizza (no. 110) looms, which stands out for its magnificent and original cornice with human and grotesque faces interspersed with floral designs. And behind it is the Giudecca quarter of antique planning with narrow streets perpendicular to each other. In the 16th century, the Jewish community lived here - until its eviction.