Dominican Cathedral and Monastery description and photos - Ukraine: Lviv

Dominican Cathedral and Monastery description and photos - Ukraine: Lviv
Dominican Cathedral and Monastery description and photos - Ukraine: Lviv
Dominican Cathedral and Monastery
Dominican Cathedral and Monastery

Description of the attraction

The Dominican Cathedral and Monastery is one of the most significant monuments of late Baroque architecture in Lviv. Since 1972, the Museum of the History of Religion has been located in the buildings of the monastery and the bell tower.

In the plan, the cathedral is an elongated cross with an oval central part, two radially located chapels, a rectangular altar and a narthex. The temple is crowned with a huge elliptical dome, which is supported by eight pairs of powerful double columns. On the pediment there are sculptures made from different angles.

The magnificent Baroque altar of the cathedral is decorated with four large statues made by artists from the circle of M. Paleyovsky. Galleries and loggias are decorated with wooden statues made by Lviv sculptors of the second half of the 18th century. The original sculptural decoration of K. Fessinger has been preserved in the interior. There are several valuable monuments of art: a marble tombstone of Y. Dunin-Borkovskaya by the famous Danish sculptor B. Thorvaldsen (1816), a monument to the Galician governor F. Gauer by A. Schimser (early 19th century), a monument to the Polish artist A. Grotger by V. Gademsky (1880).

