Description of the attraction
In the chambers on the Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin, north of the Assumption Cathedral, they traditionally lived Moscow metropolitans, and after 1589 - patriarchs … In the first half of the 17th century, by order Patriarch Nikon a complex of buildings was built in the Kremlin, replacing the former residence of the bishop - the primate of the Orthodox Church, destroyed during the Time of Troubles.
Today, the Patriarchal Chambers and the Church of the Twelve Apostles occupy a worthy place in the list of the most significant architectural monuments of the capital of the Russian Federation.
Construction history
The first chambers for the metropolitan, built of stone, appeared in the Moscow Kremlin in 1450 year … They were meant for Metropolitan Jonah, by whose order, next to the residence was erected Church of the Deposition of the Robe … The temple was intended for the Moscow metropolitans and began to serve as their home church.
Fires that often raged in Moscow in the 17th-18th centuries led to the fact that many buildings were destroyed by fire almost to the ground. The metropolitan chambers first burned down to the ground in 1473. Then both the temple and the courtyard perished in the fire. They were rebuilt again ten years later, when the Church was already headed by Metropolitan Gerontius … A new fire broke out almost immediately, and in 1493 the metropolitan chambers were again badly damaged. In the middle of the 16th century, another temple was added to the residence, consecrated in honor of the Solovetsky miracle workers.
In 1589, the Moscow Patriarchate was established, and the first patriarch Job ordered to renovate the residence. The chambers were partially rebuilt, and from the north the church of the Three Saints of Moscow Peter, Alexy and Jonah was added to them. Now the patriarchal court was an imposing complex of buildings with mansions and three house churches.
The Time of Troubles and the fire of 1626 almost completely destroyed the residence of the Moscow patriarchs. It took a lot of money to rebuild the mansions and churches. Money donated Patriarch Filaret - the father of Mikhail Romanov and a prominent church and political figure during the Time of Troubles. The Patriarchal Court was restored in its former form, and by the middle of the 17th century it was rebuilt again already by order Patriarch Joseph.
Each new owner of the Patriarch's Chambers started his own reconstruction and renovation of the residence. Nikon also did not stand aside, and in the 50s of the 17th century the ensemble on Cathedral Square underwent changes again. The architects dismantled the temple of the Solovetsky miracle workers and other buildings and erected in their place a house church and a three-story residence of the patriarch. Front Cross chamber struck with an unusual architectural solution: its closed vault with an area of 280 sq. m. was installed on the stripping, while the central pillar was absent. Church chapters were covered with gilded copper sheets. The temple was consecrated in honor Apostle Philip … Soon the power-hungry patriarch paid for his pride. His opponents, condemning Nikon, cited the Patriarchal Chambers as an example of his desire to equalize in rights with the sovereign himself.
The church was re-consecrated and slightly rebuilt in the 80s of the 17th century. Then the temple was named after Twelve apostles, and from now on all patriarchal services were held in it, except for the most solemn ones on great holidays.
XVIII-XX centuries

In 1721, the institution of the patriarchate was abolished in Russia, and the former residence was housed Moscow Synodal Office … Under the vaults of the Church of the Twelve Apostles, the upper floor was equipped, which was given as a library.
From the destroyed church of the Three Saints in 1760, the oven for the preparation of peace was moved to the Cross Chamber. The chamber was renamed to Worldwide, and during the 18th century it was repaired more than once.
Shelling during the armed uprising of 1917 damaged the architectural complex of the Patriarch's Chambers and the Church of the Twelve Apostles. The buildings were restored by restorers from the group of the artist I. Grabar, which was engaged in the reconstruction and repair of objects on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin.
As museum The Patriarchal Chambers have been operating since 1961. The permanent exhibition was first presented to visitors in 1967.
What to see in the chambers and the temple

The front facade of the Patriarch's Chambers is facing Cathedral Square … The building has, basically, three floors, but in one place the fourth tier, built on in 1791, called Peter's tent … A single whole with the residence of the patriarchs is made up of the Church of the Twelve Apostles and a gallery attached to the northern facade.
Both the outdoor decor and the interior are worthy of the attention of visitors interested in ancient Russian architecture:
- Under the Church of the Twelve Apostles, two travel archesdecorated with pilasters.
- White stone portal on the second floor testifies to the existence in the past of a bypass gallery, which could be accessed from these doors.
- On the windows of the first floor stand out keeled gables … The second and third floors are decorated arcature belts.
- Over the first floor hangs quite noticeable cornice - a common architectural element used by Moscow builders in the 17th century.
- The arched gallery of the façade of the chambers overlooking the courtyard is decorated with patterned tiled tiles.
- In the old days, the interior of the church was decorated wall paintingspreserved on the drums of the chapters. The frescoes are dated to the 17th century.
- Iconostasis Church of the Twelve Apostles was made in the 17th century, but this is not the original iconostasis of the temple. In 1929, it was moved from the destroyed cathedral of the Ascension Monastery, which was abolished by the new government.
Museum in the Patriarch's Chambers

During the excursion, you should pay special attention to the exposition showcases of the Cross Chamber.
One of the most remarkable exhibits on display in the museum is marble stove, decorated with a gilded canopy and made in the 19th century by order Catherine II to commit rank of world-making … Fragrant oil is used in Orthodoxy to perform the sacrament of anointing. The stove is made in the shape of a cross and lined with marble slabs.
The brewed myrrh was stored in cadiwhich was made of silver. A two-hundred-kilogram vessel, decorated with carved silver ornaments, is kept here in the museum. On the lid of the qadi there are gilded statuettes of the prophet Samuel and King David and the cast figures of the evangelists. Yet two vessels for storing myrrh, exhibited in the Cross Chamber, were donated by the emperors Paul I and Nicholas II in memory of their presence during the rite of world-making.
Patriarchal household items and tableware were made of precious metals, crystal and decorated with mother-of-pearl. At the exhibition stands of the Cross Chamber, you can see cups and jugs, salt shakers and glasses, ladles and broths, buckets and dishes.
Personal belongings of Patriarchs Nikon and Filaret occupy a separate showcase of the museum exposition. They are examples of Russian arts and crafts. The robe of Patriarch Nikon, called sakkos, was made of precious Italian fabric embroidered with gold threads. The cowl of Patriarch Filaret is made of white silk and decorated with pearls and silk embroidery. The cross of Patriarch Filaret is made of silver and gilded. It is decorated with precious stones, and on the handle there is an inscription indicating the date of manufacture of the cross - 1623.
A real masterpiece of Russian jewelry art - rhinestone bowl, framed in gold and richly decorated with emeralds, rubies and turquoise. In addition to her, the display case of the Cross Chamber contains samples of precious tableware that adorned the royal and patriarchal receptions.
Goldsmiths productspresented in the museum also served for certain political purposes. Demonstrating luxury, including foreign gifts, the royal court informed foreign visitors about its own welfare and close relations with neighboring states.
Showcases of the refectory of the Patriarch's Chambers are shown to visitors collection of Russian art sewing … On the stands there are products made by the method of facial sewing, and items created with the help of ornamental. The collection dates back to the period of the XVI-XVII centuries. Face sewing was used mainly to create items for church interiors. This technique was used to make the shrouds presented in the museum that adorned altar barriers and temple walls, covers on thrones, embroidered icons and banners. The most ancient and significant exhibit is air "Old Testament Trinity", made at the end of the 16th century in the workshop of the Godunov boyar svetlitsa. Another work, undoubtedly worthy of the attention of tourists - Shroud "Entombment", embroidered by order of Mikhail Romanov and Patriarch Filaret. The shroud was made in the Kremlin workshop of the Ascension Monastery, which was led by the great Eldress Martha, the mother of the first Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty.
Exposition of icons in the Church of the Twelve Apostles

Most of the images displayed in the church were painted in the workshops of the Moscow Kremlin in the 17th century. The earliest works in the collection are cross icon with images of five iconographic subjects and the Old Testament Trinity with a delicate beautiful pattern and a sonorous color scheme. Portrait of the mentor Dmitry Donskoy and associate Sergius of Radonezh Metropolitan Alexei depicts the saint praying to the Savior against the background of the Moscow Kremlin.
Significant pictorial work of the late 17th century, presented in the Museum of the Church of the Twelve Apostles - Crucifixion with apostolic sufferings … The icon is written Fedor Rozhnov commissioned by Patriarch Adrian. The style in which the master worked is called the Church-Scholastic Baroque. The complex iconography of the image presents the viewer the torment of Christ and the apostles, depicted around the medallion with the scene of the Crucifixion.
On a note:
- The nearest metro stations are Borovitskaya, Aleksandrovsky Sad, Lenin Library, Arbatskaya.
- Official website: www.kreml.ru
- Opening hours: From May 15 to September 30 - every day except Thursday, from 9:30 to 18:00. Ticket offices are open from 9:00 to 17:00. from October 1 to May 14 - every day, except Thursday, from 10:00 to 17:00. Ticket offices are open from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. The Armory and Observation Deck of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower operate on a separate schedule.
- Tickets: on sale near the Kutafya Tower in the Alexander Garden. The cost of a ticket to Cathedral Square, to the Kremlin cathedrals: for adult visitors - 500 rubles. For Russian students and pensioners upon presentation of the relevant documents - 250 rubles. Children under 16 years old - free. Tickets to the Armory and Ivan the Great Bell Tower are purchased separately from the general ticket.