Description of the attraction
Saratov boasts tropics in the central part of the city. In bitter frosts and stifling heat on Sokolovaya Gora, next to Victory Park, there is a small oasis in which fresh air is saturated with coolness, a whole world of amazing plants, tropical fruits and exotic animals.
Saratov Lemonarium is a fairy tale not only for children, but also a place that changes reality for adults. Having crossed the threshold of Limonaria, you begin to feel the clean air, saturated with the aromas of flowers and fruits of distant countries. And then everything is like in the Garden of Eden: lemons and kinkans, pomegranates and passion fruit, papaya and feijoa, dwarf bananas and mesmerizing passionflower. It is not for nothing that Lemonarius was chosen by newlyweds and couples in love, the atmosphere of which allows you to find yourself in the mythical garden of the ancestors for a short time.
Children who find themselves in an amazing and unusual world will discover a lot of new things, see how the fruits of exotic fruits bloom and ripen, take a closer look at outlandish animals that have not been seen even in the zoo and, taking with them the fruit they like, will be completely sure that they have visited fairy forest.
The lemonarium in Saratov is the most exotic attraction, a gift from nature in a bustling city. The atmosphere, aromas, colors of the Saratov Limonaria - all this does not leave indifferent and is remembered for a long time. A great place for photo shoots, relaxation and a magical mood …