Museum of the novel "Two Captains" description and photos - Russia - North-West: Pskov

Museum of the novel "Two Captains" description and photos - Russia - North-West: Pskov
Museum of the novel "Two Captains" description and photos - Russia - North-West: Pskov
Museum of the novel
Museum of the novel

Description of the attraction

The Museum "Two Captains" is designed for people of any age category, because here you can see aircraft propellers and a ship's compass, and a globe with a map of the starry sky, which schoolchildren will like so much; you can walk the path of the prototype of Captain Tatarinov, or you can learn in detail about the family of the famous Kaverin, see things belonging to him, which will clearly interest the tourists.

The main initiator of the creation of the museum was the Pskov Regional Children's Library, which so actively studies the life and creative activity of the writer VA Kaverin. and actively organizes actions aimed at preserving and optimizing the writer's legacy for a new generation of readers.

Since 1984, the library has been in correspondence with Veniamin Alexandrovich, received books and pages of the writer's manuscripts as gifts. Kaverin came to the city of Pskov for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of secondary school No. 1 - formerly a former male gymnasium, in which he studied as a child. During the arrival of the writer in Pskov, Kaverin had a long-awaited meeting with the creators of the future monument dedicated to the heroes of the novel "Two Captains" - Captain Tatarinov and Sana Grigoriev. Young sculptors from St. Petersburg Andrei Ananiev and Mikhail Belov agreed with Veniamin Alexandrovich a sketch of the project, which included the autograph of the recognized writer. But, unfortunately, the writer did not live to see the significant event of the installation of the monument, the opening of which took place in July 1995. The monument represents Sanya Grigoriev walking forward and Captain Tatarinov romantically raised on a pedestal.

A year later, in the spring of 1996, a literary-patriotic club dedicated to the work "Two Captains" began its work in the library, which united sailors, historians, writers, children and adults, scientists and polar explorers. All these people donated a variety of items to the library, which illustrated the pages of the famous novel "Two Captains". After the death of the writer, the museum accepted from his relatives the personal belongings of Veniamin Alexandrovich - things, books and various objects that surrounded the writer during the period of his creative activity.

At the time when preparations were being made for the 100th anniversary of the writer, namely in the summer of 2001, the final decision was made to open the Museum "Two Captains".

The concept of the museum pursues the following goals: the organization of a communication atmosphere associated with the creation of moral ideals among adolescents, support of literary creativity among children, the development of interest in local history in the field of literature, the study and storage of found materials related to the work and life of VA Kaverin, seminars, scientific conferences, organization of excursions, holding various kinds of competitions among children's literary creativity.

Museum exhibits tell about modern Russian aviation, as well as the navy: nuclear submarines "Pskov", submarine divisions, polar aviation pilots. On the opening day of the museum (April 18), the museum was presented with materials about the famous pilot Timur Apakidze, who tragically died in 2001.

Among the exhibits there are also books with the writer's signature, photographs, letters, things, sheets of manuscripts; the paintings of the popular artist Lysyuk V. are presented, demonstrating the period of childhood and adolescence of the writer Kaverin, artistic canvases made by the hand of L. S. Davidenkova. The idle staircase of the museum is decorated with paintings of scenes from the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin, which are made in the grisaille style by the artists S. Sirenko, S. Gavrilyachenko. The exhibition presents a certain object - a sextant, which allows travelers to determine the location of the situation. In the museum, you can see the globe of the starry sky and a dummy boat hook from the ship "Saint Mary", which was made for the filming of the film "Two Captains", and then presented to Kaverin for many years of memory. Not only the exhibits, but the whole atmosphere of the museum is imbued with the spirit of heroism and romance, as well as a reverent attitude towards Russian history, its culture and literature.

Description added:

Elena 2016-23-01

The building is currently being renovated. The museum temporarily moved to the building of the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library (Pskov, Profsoyuznaya, 2, Ground floor) Phone for inquiries: 72-84-05

