Description of the attraction
On the slope of Mount Svoboda (formerly Cathedral Mountain), house number 1 houses the first private museum of the Ivanovo region. "Museum of the Old Russian Family 1237" organized by a local archaeologist, candidate of historical sciences P. N. Travkin. The scientist himself participated in the excavations of his city and knows that Plyos preserved the idea of ancient pre-Mongol Rus better than other provincial cities.
In his museum, Pavel Travkin recreated the estate located on the street of jewelers in Plyos. In 1238 it was burned by the Horde.
The exposition of the "Russia House" presents exact copies of objects of those times: jewelry, dishes, children's toys, weapons and others.
The homestead is divided into male and female halves with wooden flooring. The owner of this house was a jeweler, so a good part of the male part is devoted to this craft. And also here you will see what the Russian warrior of the XIII century was like. You will even be allowed to hold the weapon. This museum is generally distinguished by the fact that things can be touched, since these are not historical values, but repeated finds from excavations. On the women's side, you will even be offered to try on clothes from the era of Alexander Nevsky or grind grain with old devices. Visitors of all ages want to learn to play pot and burkalo or write on birch bark.
You will be told about the pagan faith in the Russian House sanctuary.
For a deeper immersion in the Middle Ages, experiments and master classes are organized on the basis of the museum. For example, in 1999, a detailed study of the production cycle of medieval pottery was organized from the production of a clay mixture to firing in a kiln, rebuilt according to surviving documents and according to the results of excavations. Supervised the work of Yu. B. Tsetlin is a doctor of historical sciences. The whole experiment was captured on video by the Kultura channel.
If you are planning a group excursion, you can order a thematic lecture by the fire or a lesson dedicated to the life of a Russian family, rituals and paganism of pre-Christian Russia, as well as the work of an archaeologist. A corner at the entrance to the museum is also dedicated to the art of historical excavations. Here, in addition to the professional tools and accessories of the researcher, there is also a photo gallery of the expedition.
Pavel Travkin admires the talent and genius of ancient Russian provincials and believes that modern history textbooks reflect very scant information about the world of things of the past. The archaeologist seeks to fill this gap, therefore, excellent local history lessons are obtained here for young residents of small surrounding towns, Muscovites and everyone who is interested in the life of a Russian medieval family.
Museum of the archaeologist P. N. Travkina is recommended for visiting schoolchildren and students by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
| All reviews 5 Dmitry Shumov 2016-21-07 14:41:32
Great alternative museum in Plyos! If the official, traditional presentation of the history of the Slavs and ancient Russia from the textbook is already boring - then you are here! See with your own eyes and hear with your own ears the version of the scientist-archaeologist, devoid of "leavened" patriotism and historical and political stereotypes, appreciate the professional approach of the founder …