Description of the attraction
The museum, located in St. Petersburg at number 36 on Liteiny Prospekt, is a memorial apartment museum dedicated to the life and work of the great Russian poet and publisher Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. The museum is located in the former house of A. A. Kraevsky.
The museum was founded in 1946 in Leningrad in the last apartment of the poet. Nekrasov lived here for 20 years: from 1857 to 1877 until his death. All this time, the apartment housed the editorial office of 2 progressive magazines of the era: originally "Sovremennik", invented and published by A. S. Pushkin, then "Notes of the Fatherland".
In the 1860s-1870s, Nekrasov's apartment was the center of the literary and social life of Russia, a kind of headquarters for revolutionary democracy. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N. G. Chernyshevsky, N. A. Dobrolyubov. Writers and poets, its employees: I. S. Turgenev, A. N. Ostrovsky, L. N. Tolstoy, I. A. Goncharov.
In our time, the exposition of the Nekrasov Museum-Apartment tells about the poet's life in this house, about his editorial and poetic work, about outstanding public and literary figures - revolutionary democrats who defined an entire era of Russian life. The halls of the museum display portraits of Nikolai Alekseevich, made by prominent Russian artists K. E. Makovsky and I. N. Kramskoy, photographs of the poet in their original form, as well as photographs and portraits of famous contemporaries of Nekrasov, who were in this apartment.
The museum carefully preserves the first editions of Nekrasov's works, the books he read. The large collection of the poet's personal belongings is of particular interest. The exposition gives an idea of the poet's work, there are rough versions of manuscripts and white-paper autographs of Nekrasov's poems and poems. Manuscripts of the poems "Frost, Red Nose", "Who Lives Well in Russia", lyrical poems are complemented by illustrations that were made by Russian artists during the life of Nikolai Alekseevich. All this collection helps to better imagine and understand the life and creative path of the talented Russian poet.
In 1985, the rooms where co-editor Nekrasov and his great friend, publicist and writer Ivan Ivanovich Panaev lived were recreated. In the rooms of Panaev there is a literary exposition telling about the activities of the Sovremennik editorial board during the abolition of serfdom in 1861, about women writers and employees of magazines. The furnishings of these rooms are recreated according to the type of the living room and study interior of the first half of the 19th century. Here you can see portraits of Panaev, his works are presented in the magazine "Contemporary", portraits of his wife A. Ya. Panaeva, a memoirist and writer. There are also portraits of prominent women - employees of the magazines N. A. Nekrasov, members of the organization for women's emancipation. There are publications of their literary work in Otechestvennye zapiski and Sovremennik, as well as separate editions.
In the former apartment of A. A. Kraevsky, the owner of this house, a journalist and publicist of the Nekrasov era, is now hosting a literary exhibition "Nekrasov in Soviet Culture." It shows editions of Nikolai Alekseevich's works in the languages of the peoples of the Soviet Union and the peoples of the world. Outstanding Soviet artists have many times turned to the works of the poet - the works of V. A. Serova, B. M. Kustodieva, A. F. Pakhomov and other masters on the themes of Nekrasov's poems and poems.
The Nekrasov Memorial Museum takes an active part in the cultural life of St. Petersburg. The museum organizes "Nekrasovskie Fridays", in which prominent scholars and researchers of the poet's creative activity participate. Meetings with writers, poets, artists are regularly held here, art and literary evenings are organized.