How much money to take to Indonesia

How much money to take to Indonesia
How much money to take to Indonesia
photo: How much money to take to Indonesia
photo: How much money to take to Indonesia
  • Accommodation
  • Transport
  • Nutrition
  • sights
  • Purchases

Indonesia's unique island empire cannot be described in words. And you can endlessly admire the emerald islands, beautiful beaches, mountains and volcanoes. The rich nature has been preserved here in the same form as centuries ago, and also attracts travelers. Lost in the jungle, palaces and temples, age-old culture, incredible ocean sunsets, white beaches and quality rest attract exotic lovers and avid tourists in search of new experiences, honeymooners and beach lovers, divers and surfers. All future guests of the country are preparing for a long flight and are planning the most pleasant spending - on vacation. How much will a vacation in Indonesia cost?

The country's main means of payment is the Indonesian rupee. It is better to take dollars with you and exchange them for the national currency on the spot. For one dollar you can get 14 073 rupees, this is the official rate for December 2019. At the airport and in hotels, it is overpriced.

Advice: before changing money, you should familiarize yourself with the appearance of the local currency on the Internet. Rupees are bright and look like candy wrappers, and you can get confused by the number of zeros. This is what the employees of the "exchangers" use, often cheating tourists. The most profitable and reliable exchange is at banks and official exchange offices.

Payment by card is possible in tourist places, large hotels, restaurants and shops. In rural areas, street cafes and small shops, payments are only accepted in cash. An ATM can be found in almost all cities in the country.



All hotels in Indonesia correspond to the official number of stars, that is, they are comfortable and of high quality. And many "fives" can be given the status of "luxury". It is easy to find inexpensive accommodation in the capital: mini-hotels, boarding houses.

In the resort areas of the islands, everything will be more expensive, but for independent budget travelers, you can find an acceptable haven here too.

  • A bed in a hostel in Jakarta costs from 90 thousand rupees.
  • Double room in a two-star hotel - from 150 thousand rupees.
  • A double room in the "five" costs from 350 thousand rupees.
  • In Bali, a room in a 5 * hotel will already cost from 550 thousand rupees.
  • But in a dormitory room in Bali, you can rent a bed for 30 thousand rupees.


The country consists of more than 17 thousand islands, so there is nothing surprising in the popularity of domestic flights. There is a railway in Java and several lines in Sumatra. The cost of train tickets is high, especially in the first class sleeper car, the only one equipped with air conditioning. Travel from Jakarta to Surabaya costs 485 thousand rupees, to Jokyarta - from 360 thousand rupees.

In the island country, of course, water transport is developed - there are about 300 passenger ports. The ferry service is in the hands of a state-owned company. The cost of a two-hour trip from Java to Sumatra is 15 thousand rupees, from Java to Bali you can get in half an hour and 7-8 thousand rupees. Many people prefer to travel between the islands on low-cost airlines, on average it costs from 350 thousand rupees.

Intercity buses run not only within the islands, there are routes with a ferry crossing to another island. The price depends on the distance and the degree of comfort. The cost of a trip by a regular bus varies from 50 to 80 thousand rupees, by an air-conditioned bus - from 120 to 200 thousand rupees.

On intercity buses, there is no choice - they are all old and fairly second-hand. The trip is inexpensive, from two to five thousand rupees, but tourists risk paying more, so you have to watch how much local passengers pay. In light of all that has been said, it is better to leave these buses to the residents of the country, especially since the price of a taxi is quite affordable.

A few tips before taking a taxi:

  • It is better to pay with local money, many taxi drivers willingly accept fares in dollars, but at some rate known only to them.
  • Official taxis are equipped with meters, but you need to carefully monitor whether the driver "forgot" to turn it on.
  • In a taxi without a meter, you need to negotiate the price of the trip before it starts.

Otherwise, taxis are much better than buses, and even better than renting a car. Average fare: 6,500 rupees for the landing and the first kilometer, 3,500 for all subsequent kilometers. The road situation in the country also speaks in favor of the taxi, and it is assessed extremely negatively: the poor condition of the roads, hopeless traffic jams, left-hand traffic and complete ignorance of the rules by road users. Local drivers are better guided in this.

There are motorcycle taxis on all islands, prices are affordable, the average trip costs 20 thousand rupees.


Indonesian cuisine is an interesting fusion of island gastronomic traditions with Indian and Chinese. And, of course, with a discount on the main religion of the country. The almost complete absence of pork is compensated by the abundance of seafood and the ingenuity of local chefs.

Depending on the budget, you can choose a catering establishment. As elsewhere in Asia, street trading is well developed and the quality of the food is pretty decent. Small cheap cafes, the so-called "varungs", always offer fresh and tasty food without the usual restaurant service. But you don't have to pay a restaurant bill with a 20 percent service surcharge.

The choice is up to the tourist, there is food for everyone. Even in Bali, where prices are advised to be multiplied by two in comparison with the rest of the islands, you just have to turn away from the main streets, and you can find a lot of cafes for your wallet.

  • A snack in a mobile street tray costs 10-15 thousand rupees.
  • Breakfast in an inexpensive cafe for locals - from 9 to 35 thousand rupees.
  • To dine together in a cafe of this type will cost about 50 thousand rupees, to have dinner - about 80 thousand rupees.
  • In a street cafe on the market, soup costs 7 thousand, rice with vegetables 6 thousand rupees.
  • At the food courts of large shopping centers, you can eat for 70 thousand rupees.
  • Dinner for two in a mid-range restaurant will cost 150,000 rupees.

For those who are going to cook on their own, the prices for the main products:

  • A kilogram of rice costs 10 thousand rupees.
  • A loaf of bread weighing 0.5 kg costs the same amount.
  • A 0.5 liter bottle of water costs 1.5 thousand rupees.
  • A bottle of Coca-Cola with the same capacity - 5 thousand rupees.
  • Egg packaging - 17 thousand.
  • A liter bottle of milk - 13 thousand rupees.
  • A kilogram of cheese costs up to 100 thousand rupees.
  • They ask for a chicken from 35 to 40 thousand rupees per kilogram of weight.
  • The range of prices for vegetables is from 5 to 25 thousand.
  • You will have to pay 18-19 thousand for a kilogram of potatoes.
  • Fruits are cheaper - from 5 to 20 thousand.

As usual, the markets are open to bargaining and the produce is fresher. In supermarkets it is possible to buy everything quickly in one place.


Indonesia is so rich in natural and historical sights, many of which are protected by UNESCO, that you can go there only for them. Or extreme sports entertainment based on local exoticism. Or for diving. The country is considered one of the best places for diving: warm water, excellent visibility and an abundance of marine life.

Diving courses for beginners cost from two million rupees, a one-day diving tour with an instructor - from one million rupees.

Fans of extreme sports for 500-600 thousand rupees can join rafting along the mountain rivers of Bali. Or you can take a package of sports entertainment at once: fly over the ocean on a "flying fish", ride a hydro scooter and finish it all with a wakeboard or paraselling - for 800-900 thousand rupees.

Many attractions in the same Bali can be explored on their own, paying only for the entrance ticket.

  • A visit to the most famous temple Tanah Lot, which has become a cultural symbol of the country, costs 60 thousand rupees (for a child - 15 thousand).
  • A ticket to the Uluwatu Temple will cost 30 thousand rupees. The traditional Balinese dance Kecak, a whole performance against the backdrop of this temple, is performed at sunset. Tickets must be booked at least two hours in advance and cost 100,000 rupees.
  • You can buy an entrance ticket to two places at once - to the bird park and to the reptile park. For 350 thousand rupees, you will see the most beautiful representatives of birds from seven regions of the world, feed crocodiles, meet the Komodo dragon, the oldest on earth.
  • Inspection of the ancient cave city and the temple of the same name Gunung Kawi will cost 42 thousand rupees.
  • You can see the most beautiful and highest complex of seven Sekumpul waterfalls on the island for only 30 thousand rupees.

You can go on an elephant safari, or on a yacht for ocean fishing, or ride an underwater motorcycle. All the money that goes to entertainment and attractions will be well spent. Vivid impressions, an adrenaline rush and stunning photos - this is what will remain from any excursion in Indonesia.



The light industry in the country is very developed - in almost half of the countries of the world it is easy to find clothes made in Indonesia. Jeans, T-shirts, dresses can be bought locally for 30-40 thousand rupees. As for branded clothing, its cost will be the same as in Europe. Therefore, it is better to focus on buying souvenirs, coffee, exotic fruits.

So, your expenses in Indonesia can be like this:

  • If you plan to spend about a hundred dollars a day for two, then for this amount you will have a decent room in a guest house, food in local cafes, fruits from the market for snacks, and independent visits to some attractions.
  • With a budget of up to $ 300, you can eat at interesting restaurants, rent a car with a driver to travel around the country, or buy a sightseeing tour.
  • If you can afford a budget of over $ 300 a day for two, then you can indulge yourself in everything - from hotels and food, to spa treatments and individual guides.

In Indonesia, with its climate, natural and marine beauty, vacation will be great for any budget.

