Despite the undoubted belonging of the country to the Arab world, the traditions of Syria differ in many respects from the customs of the inhabitants of neighboring states. Here you can often see open smiles on faces, women driving and European clothes. The benevolence and hospitality of the locals are well known to everyone who has visited Damascus and other cities of the country at least once, and the coffee prepared here according to old Bedouin recipes is called one of the best in the world by true gourmets.
Choosing a pair
The wedding ceremony is a bright and memorable tradition in Syria, and therefore, having received an invitation to the wedding, you should immediately agree. The wedding lasts a whole week, and every day is filled with fun and interesting rituals.
The female and male part of the guests has fun separately, and the ladies, in the absence of the stronger sex, demonstrate quite European outfits that allow them to open their shoulders and knees.
Even without alcohol, a Syrian wedding is fun and interesting, and there is plenty of entertainment for all generations of those invited. At the end of a long wedding marathon, the bride and groom are next to each other, pretty guests put on modest closed clothes, and the young are finally given gifts. A luxurious cake is solemnly cut by the bride and groom, who treat each other and guests.
What are they, the Syrians?
The residents of Syria are absolutely non-conflict people. They prefer to settle all disputes and misunderstandings in a conversation, and therefore any conversation here can drag on for several hours, even if its subject is only children or crop views. Having met on the street, the neighbors take a detailed interest in each other's affairs and the well-being of family members, although yesterday they talked about the same over a cup of coffee.
- Don't rush the local by asking a question or making a request. A thorough approach to the problem is in the tradition of Syria, and therefore it is better to leave enough time in reserve than to try to solve something urgently.
- Hospitality is an important character trait of the Syrians. When you receive an invitation to pay a visit to locals, be sure to accept it. The many traditions of Syria and its customs will open before you like a magic book.
- When making an appointment for a business meeting, keep in mind that in the east it is not customary to rush. Being late within half an hour is a perfectly acceptable practice in Syria. Tune in to this and have fun waiting for your interlocutor while enjoying the local exoticism.