Thousands of tourists annually rest in Turkey, some of whom prefer to travel around the country in a private or rented car. Therefore, the issue of parking remains very relevant. Parking spaces are provided in both large and small Turkish settlements. At the same time, there is no time limit for parking in the country.
Features of parking in Turkey

The roadbed in the country is considered to be of sufficient quality. This trend is especially felt in resort towns and the capital. Parking for free in Turkey is problematic and can only be done in specialized parking lots near shopping centers, as well as in the area near public parks.
Payment for parking is carried out not through the machine familiar to Europeans, but directly through the inspector. His essential clothing attribute is an orange or yellow vest and cap. As soon as you park your car, the inspector will come up to you and write a check, which will record the time and amount of payment.
If you do not plan to stay more than 15 minutes in one place, then you will not have to pay for the abandoned car. For two hours, the standard price is set, and it is 2 lira or 40 rubles. In gated parking lots, payment may be asked in advance.
In case of delay, the inspector will tell you the cost to be paid in addition. This well-functioning parking system has been operating in Turkey for a long time. Separately, it should be noted that all data about your car and parking time are recorded in cars that issue coupons. Therefore, it is imperative to pay for the parking space, since next time you will be reminded of the debt.
Cars that the owners do not pick up for a long time can be evacuated to special parking lots, after which the car can be picked up only for money.
Many residents of Turkey use a subscription, which is a card with a cash limit of 60 liras. Such a subscription gives you the right to leave your car at all parking lots in the city for free for a month. At the same time, you will save a lot.
Parking in Turkish cities
The population density of Istanbul and Ankara is high and this is one of the reasons why the development of the parking system is considered a priority for the local authorities. There are several options for motorists in the Turkish capital.
First, try to find space on the side of the road or in pockets next to buildings. Parking in such places is not prohibited. Of course, this type of parking is in demand. Please note that the area around hotels and business centers is private property and is strictly guarded. It is almost impossible to park there, as the security officers will immediately notice it and ask you to remove the car.
Secondly, there are municipal parking lots in Istanbul, created at the initiative of the mayor's office. The concept is that you leave your car in a parking lot just outside the city center and then use public transport. The idea is simple and has proven its worth over the years. The cost of municipal parking varies from 5 to 8 liras. This amount decreases with increasing parking time.
Thirdly, private parking lots are scattered across Ankara and Istanbul in large numbers. There are almost always vacancies here, but the price for them will be higher. For example, on weekends in the Ortaköy area, you can leave a car for 15-20 liras per hour. Private parking is popular, as a rule, in the evening, when it is extremely problematic to find another option. Tourists often park their rented cars in private parking lots, as this method provides maximum security measures.
In resort towns, there are also no serious problems with parking spaces. They are often located in the underground part of shopping centers and in the area of squares. Some visitors prefer to pre-book hotels or apartments with private parking.
Car rental in Turkey
Renting a car in the country will not be difficult. Today, a lot of companies are actively operating, offering this kind of service. However, a few practical tips will never hurt both experienced and novice car enthusiasts:
- You must be at least 21 years old. This is one of the key conditions.
- Do not forget to prepare the necessary documents, including an international driving license and a copy of your passport.
- For long-distance travel, you should rent a car from reputable companies that have branches in other cities. In case of an unforeseen situation, they will always be able to promptly help you.
- Driving experience must be one year or more. Offices that lease executive class cars sometimes raise the age limit to 25 years.
- A credit card or an amount of money is left as collateral. In small companies, you can limit yourself to money.
- Do not forget to read the rental agreement carefully, delving into all the details. It is also important to immediately inspect the car for damage, as unscrupulous employees can force you to shell out an impressive amount of money upon returning the car.
- Connoisseurs rent a car through specialized sites, at the airport upon arrival, at a hotel or with transport companies. The choice depends on individual preferences and financial capabilities.
The most convenient way to get around Turkey is by car. You can plan your own route around the city, travel time and save energy on sightseeing. It is not difficult to rent a car in Turkey, but it is better to take care of it in advance: