Every year, the Dominican Republic with its resorts - Boca Chica, Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo, Punta Cana - is visited by over 400,000 people. In addition to the mild climate, vacationers are attracted to this state in eastern Haiti by sandy beaches, the sounds of bocata and merengue, as well as the fact that there is no need to apply for a visa there. What to see in the Dominican Republic? Let's talk about this in more detail.
Holiday season in the Dominican Republic
It is better to plan a vacation in the Dominican Republic in December-March (an ideal period for beach goers), despite the fact that the water temperature here is + 28-30˚C all year round. Since vacations can be overshadowed by hurricanes, it is advisable to devote August-September to spending time in other countries.
In January-March, vacationers in the Dominican Republic will be able to meet humpback whales and watch their mating games (head to the north-eastern coast of the Republic).
Weather forecast for the resorts of the Dominican Republic by months
Top 15 interesting places in the Dominican Republic
El Limon waterfall

El Limon waterfall
El Limon waterfall is a decoration of the Samana Peninsula and the national park of the same name. There is no path for backpackers to the waterfall, but horseback riding is possible from the ranch near the village of El Limon. Having admired the water jets flowing down from a 55-meter height, and having spent enough time in the saddle (about half an hour), making our way through the jungle, it will be especially pleasant to swim in the cool waters of the lake, where the stream of greenish-yellow water rushes. You can dive under this stream to find yourself in a grotto, but jumping off the rocks is not recommended because of the danger of breaking on the stones lying at the bottom of the lake (this “performance” is arranged by local residents in exchange for a “tip”).
Altos de Chavon
Altos de Chavon
Altos de Chavon is a city of artists and craftsmen, where everyone who wants to visit a Spanish village of the 15th century rushes (a copy of it was created in the Casa de Campo resort). Travelers should pay attention to the “Greek” amphitheater (today world stars perform there, and before weddings were held), an art gallery, a design school (its building has a courtyard, terraces, galleries, a library, lecture classes; those who come here will see students at work and professionals), an archaeological museum, craft workshops, the Church of St. Stanislaus (on weekends at 17:00 masses are held here; couples in love come to this church to get married), souvenir shops. You will be able to have a snack in the restaurants El Sombrero, La Piazzetta and Casa del Rio.
Columbus lighthouse

Columbus lighthouse
If you look at the 33-meter Columbus lighthouse in Santo Domingo from above, it resembles a cross, and if from the side, then a multi-stage pyramid. The roof of the lighthouse is crowned with 157 searchlights (they “paint” a cross in the sky), and on the walls you can see marble slabs, which depict quotes from Pope John Paul II and sayings of great travelers. Here you can also see the Popemobile, the papal vestments, the mausoleum (he is the repository of the remains of Columbus), as well as visit the small museum, the exhibits of which are related to the countries materially participating in the fate of the lighthouse.
Los Haitises National Park
Los Haitises
Los Haitises National Park on the Samana Peninsula is popular for its rock art caves (La Linea Cave, where shamanic symbols, drawings of gods, birds and sharks have been preserved, can be accessed from the sea, and San Francisco Cave can be accessed through any of the 3 entrances, and there you will be able to admire the pre-Hispanic petroglyphs), islets, hills (they reach over 30 m in height), mangroves (you can get to know them on a rented boat or boat), cotton and palm thickets. The park is not only about wildlife: there are also landscaped areas with restaurants, hotels and swimming pools.
Entrance to the reserve costs $ 2, 20, and rent of a boat will cost $ 17; working hours: daily from 9 am to 6 pm.
Eco-park "Natural Eyes"

Eco-park "Natural Eyes"
Eco Park "Natural Eyes" in Punta Cana covers an area of 600 hectares. Here, while walking, everyone will see outlandish flowers of different shades, vines, rare plants (500 species), age-old trees, birds (about 100 species), 11 lagoons (the legend says that the water in the lagoons is curative and has a beneficial effect on health). It is worth noting that the conditions for swimming are created in the Guama Lagoon (there are walkways and a ladder).
If you stay at the Puntacana or Tortuga Bay hotel, then the excursion to the eco-park will be free for you, and if in others, then you will pay $ 25 for it.
Cathedral of Santo Domingo
Cathedral of Santo Domingo
The Cathedral of Santo Domingo (golden coral limestone was used in its construction) is a Catholic cathedral and features of such architectural styles as Baroque, Gothic and Plateresque can be traced in its appearance. The “treasury” of the cathedral contains furniture, jewelry, carved wooden statues, silver dishes, carved and silver altars, tombstones (the tombstone of Simon Bolivar deserves attention), paintings. The entrance to the cathedral (you cannot enter in short skirts, so you can rent a long one at the entrance for a nominal fee) is located from the side of Columbus Park.
Diego Columbus Palace

Diego Columbus Palace
Of the 55 rooms of Diego Columbus's palace, 22 have been restored - there it will be possible to imbue the spirit of the colonial era. Visitors will be advised to pay attention to the short beds, on which they slept while sitting (the ladies did this in order to preserve the integrity of their hairstyles, and the gentlemen - for better digestion of a late dinner), kitchen utensils, antique furniture, knightly armor, old chests, art canvases, and also go to 2nd floor on a spiral staircase.
The cost of the entrance ticket is $ 0, 50.
Manati Park
Manati Park
In Manati Park in Bavaro, visitors will meet reptiles, animals and birds, learn about Aboriginal culture at the local museum, attend show programs (the show schedule is posted at the entrance), the participants of which are dolphins, sea lions, parrots, horses … The show deserves special attention Taino Indians with dances and various rituals.
You can get to the park (entrance tickets are $ 35 / adults and $ 20 / children; swimming with dolphins will cost $ 125) using a free bus that runs between major hotels in Bavaro and Punta Cana (the interval is 30-40 minutes).
Osama fortress

Osama fortress
You can get to the Osama fortress (it served as a bastion, military base, prison and place of torture) in Santo Domingo through the main gate, which will lead guests to the courtyard, where everyone will see a bronze monument to Gonzalez Oveido. As for the spiral staircase of the Tower of Obedience, it will lead tourists to the observation deck of the tower - from there you can clearly see the Dominican capital and the river.
For visiting the Osama fortress, you will be asked to pay $ 1.
Peak Duarte
Peak Duarte
Peak Duarte, with an altitude of over 3100 m, is interesting for the opportunity to climb it on foot or on a mule to admire fantastic views. The excursion, within which travelers explore the rainforests of the Armando-Bermudez National Park, meet exotic birds, and pass by mountain rivers, will take 3-5 days. Those who wish can resort to the services of the Jarabacoa Gold company, whose office is located in Jarabacoa (from there to the starting point of the excursion - 45 minutes drive). And those who use the services of Iguana Mama will go on a 3-day tour and have lunch with a Dominican family.
Convent of san francisco

Convent of san francisco
You will be able to see the ruins of the San Francisco monastery in the historic center of Santo Domingo. Often, tourists and Dominicans sit on the lawn in front of the ruins, and all kinds of events are held on the territory of the monastery. For example, on Sunday evenings, guests are pampered with a dance and music show.
Despite the free admission, it is customary for the keepers of the monastery to leave a tip, in the amount of a few pesos.
National Palace
National Palace
The National Palace is a landmark of the capital of the Dominican Republic and the location of key ministries and the Presidential Administration. The palace in a non-classical style occupies 1800 m2: the attention of tourists is deserved by a 34-meter dome (it is supported by 18 columns), a presidential office, a green room, a dining room, a mahogany room, halls of Caryatids, ambassadors, receptions.
Guided tours of the palace are free.
National pantheon

National pantheon
The National Pantheon in Santo Domingo is a former Jesuit church and an example of the neoclassical style. And today the honorary citizens of the Dominican Republic find their last rest here. It is allowed to come here on Tuesdays-Sundays from 09:00 to 16:00 to get acquainted with the history of the Dominican Republic, see the sarcophagi and the daily changing of the guard of honor (17:45), admire the large chandelier (a gift from Baamonde), magnificent frescoes and vaulted ceilings.
The pantheon is free to visit, but a guided tour requires a fee.
Cave of miracles
Cave of miracles
To visit the Cave of Miracles from 09:00 to 17:00 daily (entrance fee is $ 8; it can be viewed as part of a guided tour or with a local guide), with the exception of Mondays, it is easier for those who plan to relax in Punta Cana or Santo Domingo. A special lighting is connected in the cave, which allows visitors to view the ancient rock paintings of people from the Taino tribe, about 800 years old (over 50). And for comfortable movement between the grottoes, special bridges are provided for them.
Cave "Three Eyes"

Cave "Three Eyes"
The complex of caves (their depth is 45 m) is located in Santo Domingo and is famous for lakes, the color of the water of which is different due to differences in chemical composition. Swimming in the lake waters is prohibited, but one of them can be navigated by boat (travel will cost $ 1, the same as the entrance ticket to the caves). It is worth noting that there are also 4 lakes, but there is no cave above it and it is surrounded by lush vegetation. Those who decide to explore the caves (open to the public from 9 am to 5 pm) will be able to admire the stalactite and stalagmite outgrowths.