- What to bring fabulous from Norway?
- Delicious Norway
- National souvenirs
Since ancient times, the Norwegian region has attracted tourists with mysterious fjords, harsh landscapes and fabulous trolls. And everyone who has visited this northern paradise wants to keep a piece of memories of what he saw, heard and tasted. Let's try to answer the question of what to bring from Norway as fully as possible. We will tell you what crafts flourished earlier, what traditional souvenirs are offered by the descendants of the ancient Normans, what useful items of clothing you can buy in local shopping malls.
What to bring fabulous from Norway?
The answer is one, of course, troll figurines, they can be found in a small souvenir shop, a giant supermarket and right on the street. The inhabitants of the country adore the characters of Norwegian folklore, are proud of them and consider them the hallmark of the country. The making of fairy-tale heroes has been elevated to the rank of art, as is the sale.
According to tradition, you need to choose a troll slowly, buy the hero who will wink at the future owner. Then mentally choose a place and a darker corner in the house, only after that open your wallet and chastise money, and at least 50 NOK. The merchants happily warn the new owner that the troll is playing the role of a brownie, so you cannot throw it away, otherwise thousands of troubles will fall.
Delicious Norway
In addition to souvenir images of trolls, foreign guests naturally love to buy delicious Norwegian gifts. In this country, they are ready to offer a variety of interesting products and dishes to choose from. The most popular Norwegian gastronomic souvenirs are the following: "Ligne-Aquatit" - the country's main alcoholic drink; brunost - whey cheese; smoked salmon.
The secret of "Linier" lies in the fact that this alcoholic drink is brewed from potatoes, then sealed in oak barrels, and sent on a long journey. The real "Aquatit" crosses the equator twice, and the label of each bottle shows the route, departure and return dates, and even the name of the ship that took part in bringing the drink to the desired condition.
The name "brunost" is translated as "brown cheese", it literally has a very pleasant coffee color and sweet taste with a caramel hue. This cheese is made from whey, sometimes with the addition of sour cream or cream. Brunost is actively used by local housewives in the preparation of various dishes, and is the most favorite addition to the Norwegian's morning sandwich. In addition to cheese, many prudent tourists buy a small but very important kitchen appliance - a cheese slicer. With it, slicing cheese turns into a pleasure, and thin beautiful slices become an adornment of any festive table.
The third place of honor (and for some the first) in the list of delicious gifts from Norway is fish. In this country, fishing has always been one of the main industries, and fish is an integral part of the population's diet. Tourists, knowing that the Norwegians know how to catch and cook seafood, cannot leave the country without taking with them a kilogram or two of a delicious product. Most often, they buy smoked salmon in a vacuum package, the product prepared in this way is able to survive even a long flight.
National souvenirs
Geographically, Norway occupies the northernmost territories of Europe, which could not but affect its climate, relatively cool summers and long, very cold winters. Therefore, locals adore warm clothes, besides wearing them themselves, they actively offer them to tourists. The Norwegian sweater has become a kind of country brand, associated with sheep wool, it will last for many years, giving warmth and comfort.
The trademark of Norway are sweaters under the Dale of Norway brand. True, such a purchase will have to spend twice as much money as for an ordinary woolen sweater, although the quality of the latter is no different from branded products. Another popular gift from Norway is a Viking boat, although this souvenir cannot be used in everyday life, but it can become a highlight of the interior, attract the attention of guests and households, recalling a trip to Scandinavia.
The Vikings themselves were very active travelers; traces of their stay can be found on different continents of the planet. The main means of transportation on the seas and oceans was a boat, a long, wide vessel, it was distinguished by a flat hull, which increased the stability of the ship during storms. Today, in any Norwegian souvenir shop, you can find models of ships of ancient seafarers. A boat made of metal, tin or bronze looks beautiful.
Norway is a country of harsh Vikings and great masters, traditions of the past centuries are carefully preserved by modern masters, interpreted, improved, and give joy to guests.