Interesting places in Omsk

Interesting places in Omsk
Interesting places in Omsk
photo: Interesting places in Omsk
photo: Interesting places in Omsk

In one day, tourists are unlikely to be able to visit all the interesting places in Omsk, so everyone will be offered to go on a city tour, during which they will see the most beautiful and original objects (those who decide to develop their own route cannot do without a map of Omsk).

Unusual sights of Omsk

  • Monument "Scales of Existence": all parts of this 6-meter composition made of black metal (according to the sculptor's idea, "Scales of Existence" reflect the complexity of people's choice between material and spiritual) bear a semantic load. So, the throne is a symbol of power, the ladder is associated with ascent, and the cross indicates the severity of the path and decision-making.
  • Reconciliation Bench: The surface of this bench is made in the form of 2 inclined planes converging in the center, so a quarreling couple, sitting on it from different sides, will inevitably “slide” to the center of the bench and come closer to each other.

What interesting places to visit in Omsk?


An interesting place to visit will be the Bird's Harbor Natural Park. There is an observation tower "Mayak", where everyone will be led by a metal spiral staircase. Climbing upstairs, they will be able to observe sandpipers, gulls, mallards, cranes, river terns, hamsters, otters, hares and other inhabitants of the park from a 10-meter height, which should be captured in photographs.

Numerous reviews say that travelers should visit the Microminiature Museum (guests are offered to look with a magnifying glass at microbooks, the length and width of which is 0.9 mm, bas-reliefs created on cherry and apricot pits, Easter eggs, chairs and tables, the size of a thimble, felt boots, 1.5 mm long, a clock the size of a bee) and the Brick Museum (the exposition introduces tourists to the brick production of the Omsk region; the main exhibits of the museum are 200 samples of bricks and ceramic tiles of the 18th-21st centuries).

Fans of unusual entertainments will love a visit to the "Knot" quest room: visitors will find several stories "Grandmother's closet" (a game for 2 people, taking place in the dark) and "Terrible dream" (a horror game for a company of 2-4 people).

Interestingly, you can spend time in the parks "N'-Terra" (at the service of visitors - carousels, in particular, "Fear Elevator" and "Human Game", a 5-level maze, slot machines, bowling, 5D-technology, transferring everyone to parallel worlds) and “Sovetskiy” (the diagram of the park shows that in addition to 28 attractions, there is a rope park “At the height”, where trails are laid at a height of 2-8 m, you can fly on a bungee and ride a skateboard at a 5-meter height; and also sports competitions are held in the park, summer cafes work, brass band performances are organized).
