The United States is in many ways ahead of other countries, and one of the local attractions is the roads in the United States. It is not for nothing that America is called the most automobile country in the world. Of course, there is both rail and public transport, many people prefer to fly by plane. However, most of the movements around the country still take place by private vehicles.
USA road network
If you look at the road map of the United States, you can see how the grid of roads slopes horizontally and vertically across the country. The local transport network was not built here gradually, for centuries, as in Europe. The motorway network was planned and built in strict accordance with the plan. Highways, high-speed highways, have become the real pride of the country. It is they who are largely associated with moving around the United States by car.
The main highways in the country receive not a name, but a numbering. At the same time, there are some peculiarities of assigning a number. Thus, federal roads have numbers up to 100, while mainly roads from north to south, that is, vertical chords, have odd numbers. The even ones get horizontal chords running from east to west. The order of the numbers is also in the order of the trails, which makes it very easy to navigate here.
A feature of the highways, which brought them worldwide fame, is the material from which they are built. This is not the asphalt we are used to, but concrete. The result is an exceptionally flat road surface that lasts for decades. True, this is possible only in certain climatic conditions.
The quality of American roads, which has also become the talk of the town, is also largely ensured by natural conditions. If in the southern states the roads are almost perfect, then in the northern territories potholes and pits are already possible. However, this applies only to small roads, on highways the roadway is always excellent.
Ride features
What a traveler needs to consider when deciding to drive a car in the United States:
- Most of the roads are paid here. By the way, this is one of the secrets of the excellent quality of the local roadway.
- It is forbidden to stop on high-speed routes. The exception is specially designated places. But such a limitation allows you to create a constant high-speed stream, in which you can get to the desired place very quickly.
- Follow the rules of the road here you need to strictly. Any violation is punished severely, the fines are high, the police do not let violators pass. But the clear advantage of this is an extremely accurate and safe ride on the part of most drivers.
- Lots of clear and bright pointers will keep you from getting lost. The markings and road signs are excellent here.
- Gas stations, shops, motels are scattered throughout the country in large numbers, so you don't have to worry about having nowhere to eat or stay for rest.
Choosing to travel around the United States by car, you can be sure that here you will get the most convenient roads and the most understandable network of them. Large highways, horizontal and vertical, cross the entire country, making it possible to visit any interesting place.