When it comes to what roads in Germany, the first thing they talk about is their highest quality. However, the roads of the Germans can also differ. Pits and cracks in the asphalt are also possible here. In fact, the main advantage of the car traffic in Germany is exceptional discipline and dexterity.
Road network in Germany
This is not the largest country in terms of size, it has a huge number of transport routes. It has the highest road density. From any town you can get to the neighboring town or the capital of the region. German roads can be broadly divided into three categories: high-speed autobahns; highways of city and regional significance; rural roads.
The quality of different types of transport routes, accordingly, also differs. It is hardly worth expecting the highest level of coverage from the road connecting several villages. But the autobahns are made to glory - a ride on them is a great pleasure.
In general, the quality of the roads here is one of the best in the world. And this is not only due to the desire of the Germans to do everything well and efficiently, but also due to the absence of sudden changes in temperature and cold winter here.
Order is essential
A distinctive feature of all Germans is a love of order and adherence to established rules. The result of this national trait also affects road traffic. Here you will not find reckless drivers overtaking each other, the drivers behave extremely adequately and calmly. Therefore, driving in Germany is absolutely stress-free.
Also, the rationality of the Germans affects the way their roads are equipped. Traffic jams here are incomparable with those that can be found in Moscow or New York, and all because when building or reconstructing roads, traffic and the needs of the transport system are taken into account.
Features of travel in Germany by car
The following nuances of the local car system may be useful to the traveler:
- even during the day, it is recommended to turn on the dipped headlights, and in adverse conditions, it is mandatory;
- compliance with local traffic rules is mandatory, any violation is punishable by a fine;
- passengers in the front and rear seats must be sure to wear seat belts;
- there are special ecological zones, in order to enter which it is necessary to obtain a special sticker certifying the compliance with the emission standards of this vehicle;
- the speed of movement on the autobahns is not limited, sometimes it reaches 200 km / h, but at the same time, accidents are extremely rare.
It is possible to come to Germany by your own car, since the journey will not take much time. But if necessary, you can also rent a car - there are many companies that provide such services. At the same time, the rental will cost you quite inexpensively, and the car will be brand new and comfortable.
Trips in Germany do not take up much space - the distances between major cities are small, traffic jams are rare and, thanks to the skillful design of the roads, quickly dissipate. So this country is one of those where it is worth going by car, because in this case the tourist is not limited by the schedule and routes of public transport. And the highest safety on the roads and their excellent quality makes the trip comfortable and enjoyable.