Roads in Canada

Roads in Canada
Roads in Canada
photo: Roads in Canada
photo: Roads in Canada

Roads in Canada are the most convenient and easiest way to get from one point to another. Although public transport is also common here, almost 90% of all trips are made with their own vehicles. Accordingly, the road network is developed here and covers most of the country.

Main highways

The territory of Canada is simply huge, stretching from one ocean to another. And, as always happens in extended countries, most of the territories are sparsely populated, especially in the northern regions bordering the permafrost zone. But there are many amazing reserves, forests and lakes that are worth visiting for the traveler. And many of them can only be reached by car.

The largest highways are three:

  • Alaskan, passing through the Northwest of the country and linking Alaska with British Columbia. This highway is actually part of the Pan American Highway, which crosses the Americas through and through.
  • Trans-Canadian, connecting the western and eastern coasts.
  • Transtayga, linking cities on the east coast in the province of Quebec.

In addition to the main highways, there is an extensive system of roads that branch off from them and connect cities, small settlements and protected areas.

Pits, potholes and primers

The quality of the roads, contrary to popular belief, although it differs from the Russian for the better, is also very far from ideal. And the reason for this is the local climate, in which sharp changes in temperature are possible even during the day. As a result, holes and cracks form on the asphalt constantly after the snow melts.

On high-speed highways, such shortcomings are eliminated almost instantly, because driving at high speed implies a good road surface. But in cities and on local highways, small potholes can persist for a long time. It is also worth knowing that more than half of the roads in the country are unpaved, especially in the north, in sparsely populated areas.

Features of moving on the roads in Canada

Car traffic in Canada is considered to be reasonably safe. There are not so many reckless people who like to break the rules - the police, as a rule, keep vigil and quickly fine violators. Before going on a trip by car, it will not be superfluous to study the basic rules of local traffic, otherwise there may be problems with the police.

It is very easy to rent a car here - in almost any city you can find a company that will help you with this. Also, it will not be difficult to find maps and descriptions of interesting routes - in almost all motels you can take information brochures or road maps.

Choosing Canada as your travel destination, you can safely rent a car. This option will allow you to see many protected areas with lakes of extraordinary beauty. The developed network of roads and the presence of a large number of gas stations, motels and small shops will make such a trip pleasant and calm.

Traffic safety is at a high level here, so you don't have to strain behind the wheel. And at the same time, there is always the opportunity to take a map of the desired region or province, as well as brochures dedicated to any sights.

