Pilgrimage tours to Israel are attractive to millions of believers. Their duration is different, but the most popular option is an 8-day tour, during which everyone will be able to visit the main Christian shrines.
Russian Orthodox pilgrims begin their pilgrimage by receiving a blessing from the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission.
Those who make pilgrimages to Jerusalem first of all visit the Mount of Olives, where there are many shrines. This mountain bears another name - the Olive Mountain, because many olive trees once grew here. Today, only a small area, in the Garden of Gethsemane, has preserved the famous olives (8 trees) that grew in the time of Jesus. In this regard, and also due to the fact that the Savior offered up prayers there on the night before his arrest (believers are interested in the stone located in front of the altar in the Church of All Nations - it was there that Jesus prayed; the temple greets them with twilight, recalling the events that happened at night; on the walls they will see mosaics "The Taking of Christ into custody", "The Tradition of the Savior" and others), this garden is revered by pilgrims.
Not far from the garden is the Church of the Assumption, where pilgrims will be able to see the tombs, including the one where the Virgin Mary was buried by the apostles.
Bethlehem is known to the Christian world due to the fact that, according to the Gospel, Jesus Christ was born here. The following sights of the city deserve the attention of pilgrims:
- Cave of the Nativity: is the birthplace of Christ (eastern part of the cave) - it is marked with a silver star with 14 rays. Above it hang icon lamps (6 of them belong to the Orthodox), behind which are placed icons. Several stairs lead to the cave (each has 15 porphyry steps): usually the ascent is carried out along the north, and the descent - along the south staircase.
- Basilica of the Nativity: a basilica with 5 naves, richly decorated with marble (floor and walls) and attracts pilgrims here with the opportunity to see the icon of the smiling Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Rachel's Tomb: This place not only attracts Jewish pilgrims, but is a Muslim and Christian holy place. People come here to pray and leave their name on the tombstone.
It is famous for the fact that Christ spent his childhood, adolescence and youth in the modest dwelling of this city. Those traveling to Nazareth visit the active Church of the Annunciation. It was built on a holy spring, where, according to legend, the Virgin Mary took water and received the Good News. It is worth noting that pilgrims will be able to see the miraculous icon "Annunciation at the Well" above the throne.