Bukhara history

Bukhara history
Bukhara history
photo: History of Bukhara
photo: History of Bukhara

It is one of the most ancient cities in Central Asia. The long history of Bukhara has left its artifacts in the city, the earliest finds date back to the 4th century BC. The city had to endure a lot over the centuries, periods of peace alternated with wars, construction with destruction, prosperity and decline.

Bukhara is an ancient city

Scientists identify the following important stages in the history of the city: Ancient Bukhara; the antique period and the Middle Ages; in the role of the capital of the khanate (until the beginning of the twentieth century); from the power of the Soviets to the present. Moreover, if we talk about the history of Bukhara briefly, in-depth study allows us to single out shorter and more important periods, significant events and dates within each stage.

Already in ancient times it was a beautiful city with a unique layout and chic architectural structures. The heart of Bukhara is the Ark fortress, where representatives of the authorities lived. Residential quarters were located immediately outside the walls of the fortress, then there were trade and craft suburbs.

Antiquity period

A beautiful city with brilliant prospects has repeatedly become the subject of dreams of near and distant powers. The city was ruled by representatives of the Persian Achaemenid dynasty, Alexander the Great. Then, already in the 5th century AD, Bukhara became part of the Hephthalite state, in 603 a period of life began as part of the Sogdian state.

In the 7th century, the Arabs came to Bukhara, the history of Bukhara becomes inextricably linked with Islamic culture, mosques, cult complexes, and educational institutions begin to appear. In addition, the authorities of the Samanid state decide to make this settlement their capital, in connection with which Bukhara is actively developing and building.

The 13th century is characterized by constant invasions of Mongol troops, the capture of Bukhara and anti-Mongol demonstrations of the townspeople. Under Timur, the capital was transferred to Samarkand, in the era of the Sheibanids it again acquired the capital status, this time of the Bukhara Khanate (XVI century), from 1740 - the Bukhara Emirate.

At the turn of the century

By the beginning of the 19th century, it was one of the important centers of the Islamic religion, a beautiful and rapidly developing city. In 1868 Bukhara fell under the protectorate of the Russian Empire, which could not but affect the life of the townspeople.

True, the twentieth century again introduces its own adjustments in the history of Bukhara and the entire empire as a whole. Soviet power was established on the territory of Bukhara and its environs only in 1920. In October, the city receives the status of the Bukhara Republic, which, unfortunately, was later divided between three republics (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan). Since 1938, Bukhara has the status of the regional center of Uzbekistan.
