Coat of arms of the Irkutsk region

Coat of arms of the Irkutsk region
Coat of arms of the Irkutsk region
photo: Coat of arms of the Irkutsk region
photo: Coat of arms of the Irkutsk region

For the most part, the heraldic symbols of various Russian regions and their centers are similar, for example, the coat of arms of the Irkutsk region and Irkutsk itself. On the other hand, these symbols of the city and region can be easily distinguished from all Russian symbols by the presence of the main character, babr. This mysterious animal has more than once introduced confusion both in the description of the heraldic symbol and in the image.

Mythology and modernity

The heraldic symbol, which is used today by the authorities of the Irkutsk region, is based on the historical coat of arms of the Irkutsk province, approved in 1878.

The development of a modern sketch was carried out in 1995-1997. A competition was announced, where the evaluation of the works was assigned to a special competition commission. Participants were asked to create the coat of arms of the region, based on well-known historical symbols. The author of the new sketch, which won among many other participants, was the architect and designer S. Demkov.

The modern coat of arms of the Irkutsk region is a shield that has a French shape, that is, it is pointed at the bottom in the center, and the lower ends are rounded. The characters depicted in the field of the shield are interesting: a rather large black babr; a scarlet sable in the teeth of a larger predator.

There were other elements in the winning version of the coat of arms, but they were the subject of disagreements between the local authorities and representatives of the State Heraldry of Russia. The "stumbling block" was a wreath or oak branches, framing the shield, moreover, intertwined with the Andreevskaya ribbon, and the imperial crown, crowning the entire heraldic composition.

The representatives of the heraldry explained this by the fact that at one time the Irkutsk province could have these attributes on its own heraldic symbol. And the Irkutsk region does not have sufficient authority to place a crown and an oak wreath on its coat of arms.

The regional authorities tried to defend the symbol in the form in which it was approved on the spot, but the question arose about the refusal to be entered into the heraldic register of Russia, and therefore they had to compromise, leaving only a shield with images of animals, it is he who can be seen in all photos and souvenir products.

Symbols of the coat of arms of the region

Each of the elements of the official symbol of the Irkutsk region has its own meaning. Babr, as a mythical strong creature, is associated with a strong and wise government, brave residents, ready to defend the borders of their homeland. Sable symbolizes the natural resources of the region, in a general sense, and specifically relates to the valuable fur of the animal, the main object of the trade.
