Jewish quarter and Asansor lift description and photos - Turkey: Izmir

Jewish quarter and Asansor lift description and photos - Turkey: Izmir
Jewish quarter and Asansor lift description and photos - Turkey: Izmir
Jewish Quarter and Asanser lift
Jewish Quarter and Asanser lift

Description of the attraction

The restored old houses have survived in the ancient Asanseur quarter, also known as the Jewish quarter. Dario Moreno Street leads to the ski lift in Asanseur. The lift (in Turkish Asanser), whose height is 51 meters, was built in the 19th century with the money of a wealthy Jew named Nessim Levi to connect the lower and upper streets of the quarter. Now there are two elevators - one, like a hundred years ago, for a couple, the other - on electricity. The restaurant, located on the top floor terrace, offers a magnificent panorama of the city.

Description added:

Aziza 2013-29-11

Was at the tower. Romance. You go into the elevator and there are only two floors 1 and 2 and go up. A restaurant upstairs. Then I went to the Agora and Kadifikale, after which my friends from Turkey laughed playfully in the pub, saying Agora and Kadifikale are nothing for us, you should see Ephesus and MaryAne. The very next day

Show all text Was at the tower. Romance. You go into the elevator and there are only two floors 1 and 2 and go up. A restaurant upstairs. Then I went to the Agora and Kadifikale, after which my friends from Turkey laughed playfully in the pub, saying Agora and Kadifikale are nothing for us, you should see Ephesus and MaryAne. The next day I went there. Miracle! I have no words..

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