Nha Trang waterfalls

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Nha Trang waterfalls
Nha Trang waterfalls

Video: Nha Trang waterfalls

Video: Nha Trang waterfalls
photo: Waterfalls of Nha Trang
photo: Waterfalls of Nha Trang

Beach holidays in Vietnam can be greatly diversified by visiting local natural attractions. One of the most popular tourist destinations is the Nha Trang waterfalls, where it is quite possible to get there both independently and with an organized excursion.

Paradise Beach and Bajo Falls

This beach in Vietnam is called one of the best in Southeast Asia, and therefore an excursion to the Nha Trang waterfalls, called Baho, is usually combined with a visit to Zoklet beach. From the popular resort it is separated by 45 km and about an hour and a half. There are several ways to get to the beach:

  • Rent a motorbike and navigate the map. The desired object is located north of Nha Trang.
  • Hire a motorcycle taxi. The price of the issue will be about 300 thousand VND, but it is better to negotiate the price before the trip.
  • By taxi. A trip from Nha Trang to the waterfalls will cost 400-500 thousand dongs, depending on the car brand.
  • By bus N3, which stops in the European Quarter in the city center. Travel time will be about 1.5 hours, the ticket will cost about 25 thousand dongs (all prices are for August 2015).

Nha Trang waterfalls are located 17 km from the city on the way to Zoklet beach. The entrance ticket price is about 15 thousand dongs and 2 thousand - the cost of parking a rented bike.

From the parking lot, you will have to walk along the jungle trail for about half an hour, and therefore you should wear comfortable shoes. It is also useful for overcoming stone boulders, if you want to climb to the top of the cliff, from where the water falls. It is important to pay attention to the warning labels and not dive in such places. It can be life threatening.

Eco-park in the jungle

An equally popular tourist route runs from Nha Trang to the Yang Bay Eco-Park, located an hour's drive west of the resort. You can get there with an organized excursion (participation price is about $ 30) or by taxi for $ 50-80. On a rented bike, you should move from the city along the highway leading to Dalat.

In addition to the virgin jungle with numerous inhabitants, the Nha Trang waterfalls await guests of the park. On the banks of the reservoirs, places for picnics and beach recreation are equipped, and on the stage near the largest waterfall, Yang Bay, local residents - representatives of the Raglai tribe - arrange a musical performance. Those wishing to see the concert on weekdays will have to come to the park by 10.45, but on weekends the musicians perform twice a day - at 10.45 and 13.15.

In addition to the musical show, visitors to the eco-park will enjoy a pig race, in which they can place bets and receive a prize if they win. For a large group of tourists, the park workers organize cockfights. The bet is about $ 1.5, and the prize is a stone statuette of a chicken. Fans of Asian fauna can visit the mini-zoo, the main inhabitants of which are black bears.

Moreover, these waterfalls of Nha Trang are famous for their hot pools, arranged near local mineral springs.
