Coat of arms of the Maldives

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Coat of arms of the Maldives
Coat of arms of the Maldives

Video: Coat of arms of the Maldives

Video: Coat of arms of the Maldives
photo: Coat of arms of the Maldives
photo: Coat of arms of the Maldives

If you look at the coat of arms of the Maldives, you might immediately think that it was drawn by an inexperienced child's hand, because simple symbols, original composition and bright juicy colors were used. On the other hand, there is a very deep meaning behind artistic naivety and simplicity.

Emblem symbolism

The Maldives Republic is one of the states of this planet, comfortably located on the atolls of the Indian Ocean, not seeking to prove something to anyone or assert itself at the expense of its neighbors. Its main official symbol reflects natural resources and spiritual conquests.

The main elements of the coat of arms:

  • coconut palm;
  • crossed state flags;
  • crescent and star;
  • scroll with the name of the country.

The palm tree and the national banners have one base. The scroll with the name is located on the coat of arms itself, unlike most official emblems of other countries, where the name does not cover the central elements, but is located below the composition or on the sides.

The inscription is made in Arabic, which is considered official in the Maldives, and in the Arabic naskh style. At the same time, not the modern name of the state, the Republic of Maldives, is used, but the one that was used by travelers from the East who got to these parts.

Faith and nature


In this state, Islam is considered the official religion, the majority of residents are Muslims. This explains the appearance on the country's coat of arms of universal Islamic symbols, a crescent moon and an accompanying star.

They are among the most ancient symbols of the peoples of Asia and are associated with the pagan cult of the Moon. The crescent moon and the asterisk located between its horns for many peoples act as a sign of happiness. This emblem, in addition to the Republic of Maldives, appears on the coats of arms of many other Islamic states, as well as Singapore and Nepal.

The main thing is coconuts

The coconut tree, according to local residents, is the main source of the nation's livelihood. The tree plays an important role in the national economy and the life of ordinary citizens, who since ancient times have learned to use every part of the tree, not only in everyday life or in the food industry, but also in shipbuilding and medicine.

The wood of the coconut tree has long been used to build houses, the leaves, after being intertwined in a certain way, went to the construction of roofs. With their help, baskets, various containers for storing food and things were woven.

And the most valuable commercial product obtained from coconut is copra, the inner dried part of the fruit. Coconut water and oil are used in various industries, in the food industry, medicine, and cosmetology.
