Reggae music sounds from everywhere, mesmerizing seascapes, an amazing feeling of freedom and carelessness - these are sure signs that you are in Jamaica. This island in the Caribbean has long become a symbol of love for life, and the character of its inhabitants is an example of how you can and should exist in complete harmony with nature and your own inner world. All the traditions of Jamaica only serve as a confirmation of this.
Bob who marley
The main character, legend and idol of all the inhabitants of the island is the unforgettable Bob Marley. The guitarist, vocalist, reggae performer and rastaman are respected by the Jamaicans not only for beautiful music, but also for the love of their neighbors and the rejection of the Western image. "Sunny Reggae" by Bob Marley gave many islanders hope for the best and made it possible to feel the daily positive even without the special benefits of civilization.
Bob Marley style souvenirs are a great gift for friends or colleagues. Made in the traditions of Jamaica, knitted berets, rugs and even socks charge with a red-yellow-green positive, especially in the dull and slushy Moscow winter.
What are we celebrating?
A European who first appeared on the island may have this question in his head every day. According to the tradition of Jamaica, it is not customary to indulge in despondency and boredom here, and therefore any pleasant event can become a reason for the holiday. Even music coming from a car parked for a minute can cause a spontaneous disco, and even serious calendar dates are celebrated with a Caribbean breadth and scope:
- On January 6, Jamaica celebrates Maroon Day. The slaves who once fled to the hard-to-reach forests organized their own small army at the end of the 18th century and won the right to freedom in a bloody struggle. Maroon Christmas is the tradition of Jamaica to mark the date of the signing of a peace treaty between the rebellious and the governor of the island.
- Having received the status of an independent state in 1962, Jamaica celebrates this day with folk festivities and colorful fireworks. It takes place on 6 August and, despite the heat, there are especially many tourists here at this time.
- A strange, but having the status of a public holiday on the island - Boxing Day. According to Jamaican tradition, it is celebrated on December 26th. On this day, it is customary to exchange souvenirs and presents, and their value or material equivalent is not at all important. Nobody remembers where this custom came from, but there is a version that a little lazy islanders simply decided to extend the Christmas weekend in this way.