An island of bright colors and hot sun, drifting in the waters of the gentle Caribbean Sea, where residents are relaxed and lazy, but hospitable and welcoming - this is Jamaica. Here African and English traditions are mixed, and carelessness and smile, like reggae music, are the main business cards of the island. The culture of Jamaica is a variegated alloy, in which a variety of components are successfully mixed: music and carnival, architectural masterpieces of the colonial era and original folk art.
Rasta cult and its followers
One of the brightest components of the culture of Jamaica is the Rastafarian movement. It is neither political nor religious. It is just a certain lifestyle of many Jamaicans, which is expressed in special behavior and habits. Dreadlocks and bright striped red-yellow-green berets, reggae music and soft drugs - Rastamans follow certain customs that have arisen as a result of mixing the rituals of Africans, the beliefs of the Caribbean aborigines, and even some Christian commandments. The inspiration of the Rastafarians is considered to be Marcus Garvey, in whose sermons a life free from social conventions looks ideal.
No less important in the culture of Jamaica are the songs of Bob Marley, whose lyrics are based on the theses of Rastafarianism. The name Marley has become a symbol and synonym for reggae music, and therefore every piece in this style is attributed to him.
Caribbean carnival
Life in Jamaica may seem boring and monotonous, but this impression disappears, as soon as the annual carnival comes. As in other countries of the Caribbean region, this event is noisy and fun, and the columns of the dancers are decorated with enviable luxury and brightness.
Famous world-class musicians, who can be met at the time of the carnival processions in the center of the Jamaican capital, also contributed a lot to the culture of Jamaica. The most famous, perhaps, is Liz Mitchell - the lead singer of the once popular band Boney M.
By the way, on the eve of the New Year, Jamaicans celebrate another fancy-dress holiday. He is called Jonkana and there is no other like him in any other country in the world.
For the most curious
During an excursion to the capital of the island, the city of Kingston, you can see the architectural sights of Jamaica, among which the most famous guides are:
- Museum in the former Royal House.
- African Museum, which exhibits hundreds of interesting objects of life and everyday life of former black slaves.
- National Art Gallery, which exhibits works by local artists.
- Cathedral of St. Catherine, built in the 17th century.