Food in Jamaica is characterized by the fact that the national cuisine is very exotic and varied, and in local establishments you can have a snack at quite reasonable prices.
Food in Jamaica
Jamaican cuisine has been influenced by Spanish, African, Native American, Chinese and other countries' culinary traditions.
The diet of Jamaicans contains fruits, vegetables, fish, seafood, meat, legumes, grains (including soy). Jamaicans prefer to season their dishes with Jamaican pepper, curry, thyme, cardamom, nutmeg, ginger, and garlic.
In Jamaica, try dried cod served with tomatoes, onions and ackeesaltfish; grilled chicken or pork (pre-marinated) (jerk); flat pancakes made from cassava flour (bammy); goat meat curry; rice dish with coconut milk, red stewed beans, green onions and garlic; pies with various fillings (vegetables, meat, fish); dried and dried prawns with pepper; dried lamb with guava; smoked fish with mango marinade.
And those with a sweet tooth can enjoy steamed banana-coconut pudding (duckunoo), exotic fruits with citrus pulp and condensed milk (matrimony), pies with fruit fillings.
In Jamaica, you can eat:
- in cafes and restaurants with national and other cuisines of the world;
- at local eateries and restaurants of international fast food chains.
Drinks in Jamaica
Popular Jamaican drinks are cocoa, coffee, tea (black, herbal), skyjus (soft drink made from fruit syrup and ice crumbs), Malta (sweet drink with honey flavor), coconut juice, beer, Jamaican rum (it is made from sugarcane), coffee liqueur “TiaMaria”.
In Jamaica, you should definitely try Captain Morgan Black Label rum, local beer Red Stripe and Real Rock Lager, ginger beer, Chilean, Argentinean, Spanish wines (they are inexpensive on the island).
Food tour to Jamaica
If you wish, you can go to the Caribbean Rum culinary festival - you will learn about the ancient traditions of rum production, about pirates (they made this drink famous), taste different types of rum and taste the products prepared on its basis.
In Jamaica, it is worth going on a gastronomic tour of the largest Caribbean restaurant chains Walkerswood Caribbean Foods - you will find lectures on the history of Jamaican cuisine, master classes on making jerk and tasting national dishes.
While vacationing in Jamaica, you will visit the island where the villas of millionaires are adjacent to factories or a prison, and you can also go on an excursion to karst caves, do active entertainment (rafting, diving, golf, motorcycle paragliding), taste jerk, aki, saltfish and others. dishes that you can wash down with traditional Jamaican cocoa or rum.