Javan sea

Javan sea
Javan sea
photo: Java Sea
photo: Java Sea

The Java Sea is located in the Pacific Ocean and washes the shores of the islands of Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan. A map of the Java Sea shows that it is inter-island. It is connected with the Indian Ocean by the Sunda Strait. The Java Sea dates back to the Ice Age. The bottom of this reservoir is covered with silt and sand. The islands have gentle but heavily indented shores with mangrove thickets. The sea received its designation thanks to the island of Java. The main straits are Makassar and Sunda, the depth of which does not exceed 200 m. Therefore, water exchange occurs only in the upper layers.

There is a shallow water zone along the coast, where many marine animals live. The waters of the sea are ideal for the existence of different types of fish. Scientists have identified about three thousand species of marine life. Southern herring, tuna and flying fish are fished. The Java Sea is considered to be shallower than neighboring seas. It occupies a small area - about 310 thousand square meters. km. The deepest place that could be found is 1272 m. The average depth does not exceed 110 m.

Climatic conditions

Sea water warms up well due to the equatorial climate and shallow depth. On the surface, the water has a temperature of about +29 degrees. The weather on the coast of the Java Sea is created mainly by a tropical monsoon climate. The air humidity here is about 82%. In winter, monsoon winds blow over the sea, coming from the north. Storms are rare. In January, the air temperature is +28 degrees.

Natural features

There are many reef formations, coral polyps, islands and atolls in the coastal area. The coast is covered with white sand. The sea has a flat bottom without sudden changes. The local islands are densely populated with people. In terms of population, they broke world records. The most populated island is Java. Local residents are engaged in fishing and tourism. Intensive fishing contributes to the reduction of fish stocks in the reservoir. Therefore, the authorities have recently slowed down the pace of fishing. On the islands of Sumatra and Java, a complete ban on fishing on an industrial scale was introduced.

The marine fauna is represented by echinoderms, molluscs, arthropods, etc. Among the large inhabitants of the deep sea, it is worth highlighting the swordfish, sharks, sea turtles, dolphins, sailing ships and rays. The local population is engaged in fishing for mackerel, herring, tuna, horse mackerel, eels, moray eels and sharks. Shark fins are considered valuable prey. In addition, pearls are mined here. The main ports of the Java Sea are located on the island of Java. These include Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya. The islands of this sea annually receive a huge number of tourists. The island of Java is famous for its volcanoes, of which there are over a hundred.
