One of the oldest cities in Portugal, Braga is proud of its history. It is more than 2,200 years old, and among the unofficial titles of Braga is “City of Archbishops”. Temples and museums, the university and rich cultural traditions make a visit here rich and interesting. Braga in 3 days is an excellent program for visiting the ancient city, within which you can see all the most important and interesting things.
The city of temples
The history of these places is all somehow connected with religion. The Diocese of Braga is one of the oldest in Europe and the city has long been a center for the spread of Christianity in the Pyrenees. In the 11th century, the construction of the Cathedral began in the city, which became the nucleus of old Braga and one of the most significant monuments of modern Portugal. The temple is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and with his appearance Braga was awarded the title of the capital of the archdiocese.
In addition to the main cathedral in Braga, you can visit other temples in 3 days:
- Santa-Cruz, whose opulent Rococo façade is one of Braga's trademarks.
- Capela da Conceicao, since the 16th century, has been pleasing the inhabitants of the city with its ease.
- Misericordia, built in the 16th century in the best traditions of the Italian Renaissance.
stairway to Heaven
If there is an opportunity to stay in Braga for 3 days, it is worth visiting another unique attraction located six kilometers from the city. The Cathedral of Christ on Calvary is famous for the road leading to it. Fountains and chapels remind of the stops that the Savior made while climbing the cross. The zigzag staircase and the gardens on either side of it have been around for six centuries and symbolize the last steps of Jesus.
Museum values
Braga will allow you to see the most significant museum expositions in 3 days. For example, the Museum of Noguera de Silva, opened at the expense of the famous Portuguese philanthropist, has gathered under its roof at the University of Minho a rich collection of not only paintings and icons, but also antique archaeological finds, ceramics and even antique furniture.
No less interesting are the exhibits of the Pius XII Museum, named after the Pope. Its exposition is dedicated to ancient Braga and artifacts from the Paleolithic and Bronze Age found by archaeologists. A nearby museum tells the story of the work of the famous Portuguese painter Enrique Medina. More than twenty of his original works form the basis of the exposition of the Braga Museum of the same name.